
this is the most I’ve been active in years


did you Abadon lemon omg it was so good


@-SAIL3V ] Sorry I'm just seeing this omg, that book was really good and my favorite tbh we don't have the much black and DC comics books and this was a perfect mix even if it wasn't a shipping book!


if I’m being honest I’ve abandoned all of my books. it got super overwhelming writing and trying to keep the stories going and still trying to engage the audiences with the story lines.


No cs I'm hooked on ur lemon book hopefully u updated soon<3 


Alr sorry I'm just seeing this now but can't wait <3


ill try to update as soon as possible.! lemon is very hard story to write for, but i will try to have a chapter out soon.!


Part 10 of ‘Mango’ should be coming out sometime this week. Sorry for the long wait,I’ve been having some writers block! But I can’t wait for you all to read the next chapter! ‍✨
          Oh oh! I’m also working on ‘Lemon’ so it should be out sometime this month! 
          But that’s all have a great day☹️✨