
/   hello hello cb cb y’all good looking people <3 


/⠀giggles mischievously 


!!!!!!! MISSED U


( … )    giggles, here & on leia porfis < 33 


Grogu was currently sat on the ground small hands poking at the dirt beneath him. Normally he’d stay in one place until Din was ready to go after all he didn’t like to stray to far without the other , but when something caught his eye he immediately stood up waddling over to it. Letting out a small coo his head tilted as he bent down to pick it up before putting into his mouth … something one was sure he’d grown out of by now but who knew what went though the small creature’s head sometimes.


/   hello hello cb cb y’all good looking people <3 


/⠀giggles mischievously 


!!!!!!! MISSED U


( … )    giggles, here & on leia porfis < 33 


fancy seein'    you here.
          /    WELL WELL WELL!


@mospelgo ﹞  [   it is an answer that goes unsaid—    or at least,    that is what din suspects initially.    it was something they had discussed,    but that felt as if it had been a long,    long time ago.   and he hadn’t given anything to suspect otherwise but silence and the distance he had allowed to get wider with time  :
            he had left freetown a while back,   said nothing else and departed with the excuse of a hunt,   of war on mandalore,   of the child.    but he kept coming back.   over and over again. 
            his gaze lingers on the white hairs of cobb’s stubble,  before he grabs his glass and lifts his helmet enough to take a sip—   and,   was that a hint of a smile on his lips?   ]
            i know,   cobb.   [  the beskar comes back down and he rests his palms on the table,    head tilted so the visor is alligned with the marshal’s eyes  ]
            though i found a place of my own back in nevarro,   which i wouldn’t mind if you visited.    considering you have never been off planet— 


...    if y'leave the guild,    where'd ya stay?
            *    cobb has a fair idea of the answer.    he'd offered back then,    before din left for mandalore    &    returned a different man,    then offered again when the idea of possibly settling down had entered conversation—    ' YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WELCOME IN FREE TOWN '—    but now,    now that the idea seems to come closer to reality,    cobb isn't sure if he should bring it up again.
            maybe din has found someone else.    maybe he'd visited sorgan before this,    talked to omera    &    made the decision then.    maybe this was din's way of telling cobb that he had found something better than the small desert town on nobody's radar,    save for fett's.
            cobb wouldn't blame him.
            clearing his throat,    the former marshal scratches once again at his beard—    a habit he'd yet to break—    before he speaks.    there's no harm in asking,    after all.    even if the answer could potentially shatter him.    *
            we,    uh—    free town's happy t'    have ya as a resident,    partner.    for as long as y'need.


@mospelgo ﹞  just a chestplate.  he’s still to small   [  he adds,   a hint of nostalgia in his voice.   he had been looking after the kid for a while—     and watching him grow up wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be  ]   
            [   silence then falls and din also tenses up,   though his grip on the glass remains light.    the plan had been lingering on his mind for a while now but it was the first time he had said it outloud   ]    i feel—  like bounty hunting as it is has turned more dangerous.  and i can’t leave the kid by himself.    
            [  amongst other things he won’t list right now.   he tilts his head to the side,    his eyes meeting cobb’s under the visor and his voice softens  ]  
            you were right.   i should’ve listened to you before. 


i know you're lyin'    ta me.    wanna tell me the truth this time? 


i jus'    wanna—    wanna know what this,    uh,    means.    for you n'    the kid,    for—    for us.    *    gaze falls from the helmet covering din's face,    &    he turns away,    picking chief up when he prods over.    *    y'can't take it off no more.    can ya?    even for—    even for the kid?  


@mospelgo   i’m  not  lying.  i  just  know  you  /wouldn’t/  understand  if  i  explain  myself,    [a frustrated sigh   &   din busies himself on looking anywhere but at cobb]   what  do  you  want  to  know?  


/   just  mando  wednesday  to  y’all  cause  if  it  was  ‘happy  mando  wednesday’  THAT  wouldn’t  have  happened  </3   cbcb  !!  


/    omw  to  have  a  friendly  lil  chat  with  lucasfilm


/    here too.....    i am in shambles...




why go back there?    why should i...    why should i dig it all back up?
          /    they were too happy. 


...    would he?    *    much quieter than his usual volume,    cobb glances from the table    &    his glass to din,    picking at the skin on the back of flesh hand.    finally,    he struggles out a sigh,    then gives a response he isn't so sure he's ready to give.    *    a'ight.    okay,    i...    fine.    i'll—    take a look at th'    database.    but i ain't goin'    back there.    is that—    that okay?


@mospelgo  then  don’t  come  back.  i  just  need  you  to  take  a  look  at  the  database,  that’s  all.   [even if din has begged for his help before,   he feels uneasy as he leans forward on the table]   the  marshal  of  nevarro  is  asking  for  your  help,  cobb.  he’d  do  the  same  if  it  was  the  other  way  around.  


n'    i—    trust you,    too.    but i can't go back there,    din.    as much as i'd...    much as i'd love t'    help you,    i just—    /can't/.    'm so sorry.


you're back!    gotta be honest,    we all thought you weren't gonna—    what is THAT?    :0


@deputied   ouch.  [din doesn’t budge at the shove,  only lets out a chuckle through the modulator as a smile triggers at the corner of his lips]   i  know.  i’m  sure  he  was..  restless.  where  would  you  have  looked  for  me?   [sliding his gloves off,  he leans back against the nearest wall,  blocking the sunlight from hitting his visor with one hand]   it’s  not  mine   &   not  for  sale,  jo.  it  belongs  to  a  friend—  she  let  me  borrow  it  for  today.  but  i  can  show  you  around  if  you  want.  


no!    well—    i mean,    uh...    kinda?    *    lower lip pouts out at the playful tone din exudes,    &    she shoves him away by the shoulder,    though the smile on her face gives away there is no ill intent behind the gesture.    *    if ya didn't show up,    i woulda hunted you down myself.    the marshal was drivin'    me crazy.    *    a pause,    in which she cranes her neck to get a better look at the ship.    *    kriff,    i've never seen nothin'    like it!    where'd you get it?    what's it made out of?    how much for it?    :0


@deputied   —make  it?   [he finishes her thought,  a tilt of his head as his tone turns playful]   you  have  that  little  faith  in  me,  deputy?   [his head then turns  &  he peeks over his shoulder]   that  is  a  kom’rk  class  fighter.  you’ve  never  seen  one  of  those?  