
"Why is she after me when YOU'RE right here? Your bounty could fetch double my price."
          	Kia ora everyone! New Chapter of "Jedi Fugitive" is now posted, so go check that out when you can! It's strange to no longer post small snippets of thought on the new "The Bad Batch" episodes, even stranger not having any new episodes to watch. Guess we'll just have to wait for the release of "The Acolyte." Interested to see how that one goes.
          	Anyway, I've been so swamped with work that I haven't been able to give much thought to "Jedi Fugitive" at all, even with its conclusion meaning I can finally put together a storyline for the third part without having to change it. Until today that is, when I was reviewing the latest posted chapter and readying it to be published. Reading through it again had me realising there are better ways to spin it, so it looks like I'll be back to editing my chapters whenever I can spare some time to make sure that I can create the best possible storyline that isn't rushed or otherwise ill-thought out. So here's to hoping I'll be able to find a break sometime to go over them and tweak them accordingly.
          	May the Force be with you!


@mand0jedi Nah its algoods. Glad you got to see it. Stay safe and warm friend!


@BrightShadowWolf31 Ah sorry it took me so long to reply to this! Been so busy - but yes I did get to see the lights! They were absolutely gorgeous and i’m so glad i got that once in a lifetime experience.


@mand0jedi Spring is the best!
          	  Did you see the Southern lights? If not tonight, tomorrow night maybe?


"Why is she after me when YOU'RE right here? Your bounty could fetch double my price."
          Kia ora everyone! New Chapter of "Jedi Fugitive" is now posted, so go check that out when you can! It's strange to no longer post small snippets of thought on the new "The Bad Batch" episodes, even stranger not having any new episodes to watch. Guess we'll just have to wait for the release of "The Acolyte." Interested to see how that one goes.
          Anyway, I've been so swamped with work that I haven't been able to give much thought to "Jedi Fugitive" at all, even with its conclusion meaning I can finally put together a storyline for the third part without having to change it. Until today that is, when I was reviewing the latest posted chapter and readying it to be published. Reading through it again had me realising there are better ways to spin it, so it looks like I'll be back to editing my chapters whenever I can spare some time to make sure that I can create the best possible storyline that isn't rushed or otherwise ill-thought out. So here's to hoping I'll be able to find a break sometime to go over them and tweak them accordingly.
          May the Force be with you!


@mand0jedi Nah its algoods. Glad you got to see it. Stay safe and warm friend!


@BrightShadowWolf31 Ah sorry it took me so long to reply to this! Been so busy - but yes I did get to see the lights! They were absolutely gorgeous and i’m so glad i got that once in a lifetime experience.


@mand0jedi Spring is the best!
            Did you see the Southern lights? If not tonight, tomorrow night maybe?


Good evening!
          So turns out the workload I anticipated for this month is going to be waaaay bigger than I thought - I'm looking at five more assignments to complete by the end of this month as well as two exams, which means I have very limited time to write if I want to get them all done on time. So I'll unfortunately have to cut down to one chapter a week on Thursdays to keep my buffer, and possibly push back the release date for 'Jedi Padawan' at least a couple weeks, possible another month, to make sure I have enough time to complete 'Jedi Fugitive'. Sorry about that, and I hope y'all can forgive me!
          Also, the private messaging feature has officially been deleted from Wattpad, so if you guys have any questions about my work feel free to comment them on my chapters or on my profile, or if you'd prefer to do it privately I have a writer's Instagram @ccxy_the_writer you guys are welcome to follow and reach out to me on. There's no posts currently, but I'm gearing up to post stuff about my original work whenever I have time for it.
          That's all folks, so May the Force be with you!


@Salt-Trooper Heh, thanks. I’ve been struggling with getting anything written as of late, and if I keep my current schedule up I’ll be out of chapters to post by mid May. Hope you do like the new chapters when you catch the time to read them!


@mand0jedi Def take your time with it. The stories are definitely worth the wait and I am looking forward to catching up on them!


"Oh, relax. Nothing's going to happen to your girlfriend. I'd be more worried about yourselves."
          Hello there! Haven't posted an update in a few days, so sorry about that~ I'm also sorry about the chapter coming late again - I did just straight up forget this time, so that's on me. But it is up now, so go and check that out if you haven't already! 
          Also I can't wait a week, so I'm talking about the Bad Batch finale now - I freaking LOVED it. It was the best possible ending, and seeing grown up Omega nearly made me cry. Honestly fit her character so well for her to go and join the Rebellion, so I'm so glad they played it that way. I may or may not have already written the epilogue for 'Jedi Fugitive' while still not having finished everything else. I'm hoping we'll get to see her in future Star Wars content, but I'm not entirely sure that's likely. Either way, I AM considering a post-Empire story with Astera and Omega together again, possibly playing into shows like 'The Mandalorian' and 'Ahsoka'. That's still up in the air though - it depends on how busy my life gets in a few years. 
          Also, my condolences to the 'CX-2 is Tech' or 'CX-2 is Cody' believers - though I'll be honest I kind of liked how they played it a little better. Don't hate me, but Hemlock trying to create his own Clone Force 99 essentially? (I think that's how it is) That was actually pretty cool. I still need to see what happened to Cody after he ditched the Empire though. My guy needs to be safe. 
          One thing I am unhappy about is how they dealt with Scorch's character. They did bro dirty. He was such a force to reckon with in RepCom (or so I've heard, I need to actually read the novels) and he was basically just there as a name drop. Like, where's the elite training he got? Where's the rest of Delta Squad? And how come he gets dropped just like that? He deserved better.
          Anyway, I'll stop there before I go on too long. May the Force be with you!
          - MandoJedi


@xoautumnbratxo Honestly, he so did. I'm definitely going to fix that and give him the ending he deserves. And there are SO many questions that need to be answered in a clone series. Hopefully they'll lean into a Tales of the Clones series with a Cody arc...


@Dragonshadow567 I am thinking something along the lines of a Scorch-Astera faceoff, but I haven't quite decided specifics yet hehe.


@mand0jedi well hopefully  sometime  soon we will need what is next animated  wise because  we got acolyte  coming June or July so we should  have news of what next after the bad batch  by August  or stempber


Podrías crear una historia de bad batch donde hunter tiene una hija biológica y es sensible a la fuerza, su madre sea la hermana de Anakin Skywalker, y ser hija de un con mejorado y uno de los mejores Jedis gris la querrán para experimentar, y que haya ese tipo de relación de que siente que hay más preferencia o prioridad con Omega que con ella y en algún momento la tentación del lado oscuro la influya, perdida de memoria y arrepentimiento de su familia con un padre que la querrá de vuelta a cualquier costo?


"Master, I can feel YOU'RE unbalanced. Have you been meditating?"
          Kia ora! Hope y'all have had a great day today, I finally got one of my big assignments done so I am onto writing for the rest of the night. Also watched the Bad Batch finale, and GUYS, we were blessed with 50 minutes for a proper wrap up! There's SO much I want to say about it but I can't because, well, spoilers. I'm thinking sometime next week I'll discuss it in depth because there's a lot I wasn't expecting and I need to talk about it. I'm so upset it's over though. I grew up on 'The Clone Wars' so when I caught wind of another show like it with the same animation style and following a group of clones I'd already come to love in their short arc of season 7? Best believe it took my heart by storm very quickly. Michelle Ang, Dee Bradley Baker and all the showrunners did an incredible job and I'm so happy it has become what it did. 
          Anyway, Chapter 91 is up now, so enjoy that! I need to get back to writing as my chapter buffer is starting to close and I don't want to get stuck and leave all of you hanging while I try to desperately rebuild it. The finale gave me the perfect idea for an ending, so when it comes out I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. As for finishing it, I aim to have it completed before the end of May, so I have a month to get started with 'Jedi Padawan'. So not long before it's all over for Astera too and I can go all the way to the beginning of her story.
          May the Force be with you!
          - MandoJedi


@Dragonshadow567 Yeah I thought so too! So i guess those people who theorised CX-2 was a Crosshair clone were actually quite close to the mark


@mand0jedi  after watching the series finale I think hemlock was trying to create  the empire own version  of clone force 99 an elite group of clones who have unique talents loyal  only to the empire


"You've gone and found yourself a family, vod'ika."
          I have the next chapter of 'Jedi Fugitive' up now, so go check that out when you can! Been really busy these past few days so haven't been able to write as much as I wanted to, but it will get done. I'm not about to give up now.
          Anyway, it finally happened so I thought I'd share a few new milestones that have come around since the last time I checked - Jedi Fugitive is now at 50K reads AND 2K votes! And I thought 28K and 1K votes was crazy enough! I say this everytime I hit a new milestone, but thanks for all the support again guys! You have no idea how much I appreciate it. 
          Hope y'all are preparing for the Bad Batch season finale, and May the Force be with you!
          - MandoJedi


@Dragonshadow567 I do agree about the night sister magic theory, but I need to it be confirmed hahaha. A clone rebellion show would also be really cool too! 


@mand0jedi  it could be nightsister  magic but who knows  maybe it will be a ventress  show that is next or what rex and echo have doing so we could have either a clone rebellion  or a ventress  show after bad batch


@Dragonshadow567 yeah, I am too! Definitely hoping for more Tales in the Star Wars universe and a Ventress show because I really need to know how she came back to life 


"Oh, I'm much worse."
          Sorry for the slightly late chapter, I was out during the usual posting time and forgot to queue it up! But here it is now, so hope you all like it! I've now moved onto writing episode 12, and here's a minor reveal for anyone interested - I may or may not have decided to add a scene of Crosshair first telling the others that he let Omega surrender herself... I won't reveal anything beyond that though.
          May the Force be with you!
          - MandoJedi


"Vod'ika? You're alive?"
          Buenas noches! I'm back at uni and the schedule is as hectic as ever, so writing is still slow going, but I'm working at it, I promise. Almost finished the episode where Omega surrenders herself, so that means about... three episodes that I need to catch up on? 
          Chapter 88 is out now - minor spoilers ahead - for anyone who doesn't know Thread (which is pretty much everyone) he is a member of Astera's squad in the Clone Wars, so you'll be seeing a lot more of him in 'Jedi Padawan' when I start posting chapters for that in July. 
          I also just watched the new 'The Bad Batch' Episode - a little late because I forgot about Daylight Savings and assumed it was out an hour later - and it is SO GOOD. I've still got some residual jitters while I'm typing this out. Again, minor spoilers, but did anyone else find it really funny when the end of Echo's lil scomp link was sticking out of the vambrace there? I don't know why, but it killed me. I am really looking forward to plan out these chapters and write them really soon, though I am sad it's close to coming to its end. Too soon, it will be onto the next project...
          Anyway, I'll leave that there before I start ending this on a sad note XD. May the Force be with you!
          - MandoJedi


“He knows more than he’s saying. If you want to locate Tantiss, then we need to question him.”
          Kia ora friends! I am officially home, so a proper shower and a good night’s sleep are definitely in order tonight. Had a lot of fun where I went, but it definitely wasn’t for a holiday so I am seriously tired out. Uni starts up again tomorrow so there is little rest for the weary - I am back up and at it tomorrow.
          In other news, Chapter 87 is now up for you to read. I’m going to give myself one day more for a writing break just to settle myself back into my normal routine before I pick up writing again, but it will get done. I am closer to finishing ‘Jedi Fugitive’ than I’ve ever gotten with a project before, so there is no way I’m giving up now. Just gotta dig deep and drag my motivation out again. 
          May the Force be with you!
          - MandoJedi