
Am I the only one not having very many issues with the Wattpad app?


this message may be offensive
I just had the greatest motivational speech given to me ever. 
          "Do what makes you feel fucking awesome."
          Unless it's illegal, EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET should take that advice. Do what makes YOU feel awesome. Don't do what other people want you to do. 
          If your parents want you to be a doctor but you don't want to be, don't be a doctor. If you want to be a musician, go for it. Make sure you have a back up plan though. 
          You are all great people and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Unless you're a bully, rapist, or murderer. Then get help. Please. 
          Don't let anyone tell you what to do in life. Grab the world by its balls and hold it there. YOU are in control of YOUR actions. ONLY YOU. Make them count.


I watched the new "It" a few days ago and, holy crap, that is a good movie.


Richie was the funniest though 


@nat-halie Bill I-can't-spell-his-last-name was an awesome Pennywise as well. I was freaked out for a couple days after I watched it.