
does anyone know any good fan fics rn? I already read after series btw. also I'll be updating probs tomorrow or Sunday :) 


I'm so sorry for not posting in so long. I've been trying to focus in school and when summer started, I went to this program that was amazing and I'll be doing this program till I'm out of high school. I don't know how much I'll be posting this year bc of this new class called AP US History. I've been focusing on getting good grades, joining clubs, activities, and sports, so I can have a good chance of going to the college that I want.


Hey guys I hope you're having a wonderful winter break and I wanted to say thank you so much fro 100k reads on my book "Tutoring My Bully // J.G.", thats amazing and I'm so thankful. I also wanted to tell you guys that I'm in the middle of writing the next chapter, I've been busy with family stuff and haven't updated in so long, so I will be updating soon, maybe during or after winter break. Also, can you guys go check out my friends book, its called "You're all i need" by skyrest and its a great love story/romance. If you could check it out thank you! Happy holidays!<3