
Hello, followers! At least...the ones that actually read these things. Anyway, I've returned to Wattpad once again! I've left and returned to this site too many times to count, but I'm happy to say I'll be back for a while since I need something semi-productive to do with my time other than just sitting on Tumblr all day. So here I am. I may or may not continue writing Prolepsis, so I'll leave it here just in case. I'm probably going to start writing a new story soon, so be on the lookout for that! But anyway, yeah, just wanted to announce that I'm back!


Hello, followers! At least...the ones that actually read these things. Anyway, I've returned to Wattpad once again! I've left and returned to this site too many times to count, but I'm happy to say I'll be back for a while since I need something semi-productive to do with my time other than just sitting on Tumblr all day. So here I am. I may or may not continue writing Prolepsis, so I'll leave it here just in case. I'm probably going to start writing a new story soon, so be on the lookout for that! But anyway, yeah, just wanted to announce that I'm back!


ANNOUNCEMENT! I need characters for an upcoming story! I am asking YOU, my dear followers, to provide me with supporting characters to make appearances in the story! All you need to do is fill out this form and I'll take care of the rest! -
          Not a single character will be rejected! I'm counting on you guys to help me!