
Hi everybody! I didn’t feel like I wanted to leave you all with just chapter 7, so I posted chapter 7 AND chapter 8 this week! They are both up! I hope you all enjoy it and please like and comment on my story! Thanks. 


I just want to announce that I wrote a short story years ago and I have finally released it. It is called “He Had Always Been There” and it can be read in about an hour. 
          I wrote it in high school and feel like it is something I want to share. I hope everyone enjoys and let me know what you all may think! 


Hey everyone! I have updated The Black Rose Castle! Chapter 5 is up. Please feel free to like my story and leave some comments. I have been in the process of writing this story for three years and I finally feel like it is starting to come together. 
          Thank you! 
          If anyone has questions for me, feel free to message me and ask! 


Okay, so if you have been keeping up with me, you know that I am in the process of writing a Beauty and the Beast inspired story of my own. I don't have a lot of reads or followers, but I do have a few and I'm hoping more people will start to read my story, so I'm going to start sending message updates for anyone who might be following my story.
          So, my story only has three parts posted right now. I am still in the process of writing the story and as of now, there are 21 parts that I haven't even published yet because I'm still editing and making changes. Even the chapters that ARE published are probably going to be edited a bit more. 
          If you become invested in my story, be prepared, because this is the FIRST story I have ever been passionate enough to spend hours on writing. I am in love with my story and I am eager to share it with you, but there's a lot going on in my mind about it and I'm not going to stop writing and editing until I'm satisfied with it. Please, have patience with me.
          Thank you! And I hope you guys enjoy it!