
It's been almost 8 months since I was last active here, but I think I feel okay now.
          	Well, almost.
          	I might post a few new drawings or maybe make more tutorials.
          	I miss some people here.. 


It's been almost 8 months since I was last active here, but I think I feel okay now.
          Well, almost.
          I might post a few new drawings or maybe make more tutorials.
          I miss some people here.. 


I'm leaving permanently-
          So here is the thing, I noticed that I know a lot of people who has problems with depression and I noticed that I've been feeling abnormally sad and down. 
          It's not just me over reacting and wanting to stay away from these people because I don't want to help or anything, but my parents are concerned and worried. 
          It seems that the way I do things, talk, the look in my eyes and even things and people I draw are very sad looking and it seems like it's been going on for a while without me noticing but now I feel it too. 
          And I want it to stop.
          And so, I made a choice. I'm going to cut my relationship with everyone I know online, except the ones that know me personally. I'm not going to talk to anyone here or read stories and probably un-publish  my work and delete my account.
          This is basically my last announcement and my goodbye message!
          Sorry for so much text (although not many would read this but ._.) but yeah..


@m_just_Emi_nevermind whatever you do I hope that you will end up happy.❤️❤️ have a great life and even though I don’t know you I hope you do well in everything you do and keep drawing because you are seriously talented ❤️❤️


@m_just_Emi_nevermind Hope you get better soon girl! <3


@m_just_Emi_nevermind :( please take care of yourself, and I hope everything gets better for you xoxo


Does anyone else feel scared for no reason sometimes??


@m_just_Emi_nevermind i do sometimes, but that is probably cuz of whats happened to me oof


Me and my dad don't get along much and I'm starting to understand why.
          Dad: *is an engineering professor*
          Me  : Math sucks
          Dad: *solving a math problem I struggled with*
          Dad: do you understand now?
          Me  : I'm struggling to stay awake.
          Math exams: *is 5 months ahead*
          School: *didn't even start yet*
          Summer: started 3 weeks ago*
          My jobs: *double shifts everyday*
          Dad: You know you should start preparing for your math.
          Me  : ._. really?
          Dad: Yes really, you have to prepare.
          Me: ._.