
Hi, I wanna ask something, Would you prefer me to upload one chapter at a time like what I'm doing now (which is like a chapter a month) or do you need to wait a little longer and I will release multiple chapters at once? I'm sorry for keeping you waiting like this ❤️


@lxyhans20 a chapter a month pls!


Hi, I wanna ask something, Would you prefer me to upload one chapter at a time like what I'm doing now (which is like a chapter a month) or do you need to wait a little longer and I will release multiple chapters at once? I'm sorry for keeping you waiting like this ❤️


@lxyhans20 a chapter a month pls!


Hi all! Sorry for the slow update as I'm currently busy with my finals. Don't worry,  the next chapter is already halfway done and you might able to read it soon! Thank you to those who waited and sorry again for the late updates.


@lxyhans20  fighting for your finals exam! cant wait next chap


I hope you can wait for me a little bit more  since it is near the end of my semester there are a lot of assignments meeting the deadline so I'm a little bit occupied with that. But, no worries I won't leave you hanging for long! The next chap is already halfway done  I hope you can bear the wait  sorry in advance!  


@lxyhans20 we always here to wait pretty author, take your time