
yall wanna sneak peek of my 4000 word chapter  for blood assassins or what


New chapter coming out tonight on all my books


@luzxamity_simp Im dying without chapters and a demon is here- MISS **** LETS TALK ABOUT IT


@luzxamity_simp please do make sure to not smoke weed while writing
            Quality over quantity lol


Just got my phone back still on house arrest though 


@luzxamity_simp of course I got caught with weed on me so when it we was in court my  lawyer said instead of going to juvenile court I just stay on house arrest ☺️


May I ask what you did


Okay anybody want to somewhat help me with my stories because school is really hurting me and I don't have time to really write it and I apologize for the very long wait but I have thought this through and now I want to see if anybody is available to help me and or give me some ideas through messages and if you don't feel comfortable with messaging me you can just comment on this message right here or you can go to one of my books and put it there and the book I'm talking about in particular is blood assassins so if anybody is up for the challenge I would love to hear again I'm very sorry for the wait there will be a chapter out soon good morning good evening and goodnight