
I just saw a cute little girl at the hospital and she needs a new heart I was thinking of giving her mine 


@luvleycloud that’s so sweet and thoughtful of you, kaya. but think about your sisters choice please. 


@luvleycloud .ᐟ
          	  you're so thoughtful ml, but please, think of your sister. ik you might not want to hear this, but she did it for you. so, live for her this time. and for yourself ofc. bc you deserve everything bby, don't think otherwise. ily xx


I just saw a cute little girl at the hospital and she needs a new heart I was thinking of giving her mine 


@luvleycloud that’s so sweet and thoughtful of you, kaya. but think about your sisters choice please. 


@luvleycloud .ᐟ
            you're so thoughtful ml, but please, think of your sister. ik you might not want to hear this, but she did it for you. so, live for her this time. and for yourself ofc. bc you deserve everything bby, don't think otherwise. ily xx


I don't think I deserve this heart .. I will probably give it to someone who really deserves to live ..


@luvleycloud you do deserve it, kaya. there is a reason your sister gave you her heart, because she thought you deserved to live. do not blame yourself for her making that decision


Don't do it please, you're more valuable than you realize. Your commitment will not make you feel better than you already are, it will make you realize that more people care for you than you thought. Take some time for yourself and take deep breaths.


@luvleycloud you do deserve it, kaya. please respect her choice. you deserve to live, just like everyone else. you being here with us means so much. 


Guys I'm not dead .. sadly .. the thing is that when I tried to commit I ended up in the hospital w a big problem I needed a heart so for me it was over and there was nothing we could so I asked my sister Mey to tell one of my friends that I'm dead so they won't be that sad when I will be really dead .. but something happened .. my sister donated her heart for me so I could live I'm very grateful for it but I know I won't survive without her my family is against the LGBT+ community and since I'm genderfluid they forced me to stay "myself" which means a boy and after my sister gave me her heart they all started to hate me more than before bc she told them she wanted to donate her heart for me but they didn't want to so she did it in secret and now they think I forced her to give me her heart .. idk how long I will survive w all the abuse .. I'm very sorry 


@luvleycloud please take care of yourself omg. that’s absolutely horrible. i’m so sorry. i don’t know how i could help you but if you need a distraction or someone to talk to, you can always leave a message to me. 


@luvleycloud .ᐟ
            Oh my god, I hope you're okay, ml. please take care of yourself. I'm so sorry, I don't know how to help you — I can't help you. but just know, we're all here, if you ever need someone to talk to, or cheer you up — just use us, make us your distraction. I love you so much xx