
CHAPTER 2 IS UP!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!


Hello. I'm sorry if I have to drop a message here, but I just want to promote my friend's two stories. If you have spare time, feel free to read it. Thank you!
          “All she was expecting from him was a grant to support her education, little did she know that he will give her more...”
          WARNING: SPG | Mature Content

          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
          Vaughan was still a kid when she lost her mom due to assassination. Seeing her mom lying down on the floor, blood-soaked, and lifeless was her childhood memory that she will never forget. Now that 12 years have passed, Vaughan is trying her best to move on from that nightmare with the help of her best friend, Trace, who is also the son of the couple who found Vaughan hopelessly walking on the side of the road and crying for help, but seems nothing to work for Vaughan's heart is blinded by revenge. One day, Vaughan's life flipped due to new transferees and people she met in her University. Little did she know that the person she was looking for was just one of them...


Hi!! I've recently started a novel entitled, Chance encounters, and I would really appreciate it if you give it a read.  I plan to update the book every Thursday and I have a plot and everything ready. 
          Here is the link:

          Ellen, a fresh graduate, just wants to find a place in this world and be a productive citizen but with the world slowly taking her rose-tinted glasses, she realizes that growing is not what she initially thought it would be. In the middle of this transition in her life, she meets Geb, who managed to get into her skin without her noticing.


@lurkingsadness I think it would be good :)


Heyy, If you guys are interested in my short story titled, "In case" which is inspired by demi lovato's song. you can just check it out in my works. thankkkksss! By the way, This is the first time that I broadcast something here in wattpad.:D