
Hello everyone! I have a new story up called "Apple," which first appeared in the anthology F is for Fairy and then was a limited edition chapbook in 2021. I hope you enjoy it! I've also updated my bio and contact information, and be sure to check out my redesigned website at


I already left a comment on the story but I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you again on an AMAZING story in "To Us May Grace Be Given".  Good lord that was some mighty fine story tellin'!


Definitely taking a look!


@LadyInTower Thank you so much! I saw your comments on both Grace and Little Men. I really appreciate all your feedback! I have more stuff out there ... you can find a list of all my short stories and books at


Thank you all for continuing to read, for sticking around, for everything. I am revising the last Chase & Daniels novella now and am determined to have it out in the year of our Lord 2021. After that it's back to vampire things! Just a heads up that I have a newsletter which goes out once a month and details my readings, appearances, new stories (I have a few short things coming out in 2021), and more.


Hello all, 
          I forgot all about this. But I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to let you know that my second collection, Rare Birds, drops on Tuesday. You can get it from the retailer of your choice here:
          Newsletter subscribers had a chance at free ARCs and discounted paperbacks. If you're interested in such things, sign up at my website at


Hello everyone!
          My goodness, it has been a while. I've been knee-deep in writing the sequel to Harkworth Hall (title: Leviathan), which is now at the big revision stage, as well as trying to hit one too many short story deadlines. I'm unemployed right now so trying to use my time to the utmost.
          I'm also doing some re-evaluating of my career overall. Where I am and where I'm going, including marketing and how I use venues such as Wattpad that promise to "build audience." So there may be some changes over here, in 2018. While I love the feedback and connections I've made here, for the most part Wattpad readers don't translate into real-world readers (which in a way is a testament to the strength of the community here). If and how I continue on Wattpad is definitely something I'll be looking at, especially in light of websites like Radish that at least offer the possibility of some monetary compensation for your work. 
          But as always, I will keep you folks posted, and signal any changes long before they happen. In the meantime, happy reading, and best wishes for a better 2018!


Dear followers,
          By this time next week I will be packing for World Fantasy in Texas, and my, what an odd few months it has been. It's come soon and not soon enough - I need a break! If you're heading to San Antonio as well, I'll be participating in the mass signing on Friday night with copies of both Vacui Magia and Harkworth Hall on hand ... and for the very intrepid, I'll be reading at 10:30 am on Sunday (with possible dear friend as a guest co-reader). I'm hoping to have some kind of baked good reward for those who make it! 
          Thank you again to everyone who has read, commented, and supported in any way they could. None of this would be possible without you.


Dear followers, 
          Thank you so much for all the reading, commenting, and support! 
          Harkworth Hall, I think, is finally finding its audience, which is good as I'm about to get on a plane to go to England - a family thing, but while I'm there I'll be doing a little research for the Harkworth sequel, Leviathan. Knowing that people are enjoying Caroline's story is what makes it all worthwhile!
          Next month "Properties of Obligate Pearls" should be up at the New Haven Review, and in October "To Us May Grace Be Given" will be at GigaNotoSaurus. Both available free online! Be sure to check them out.
          And then, of course, in November I will be at World Fantasy ... I don't stand a chance in hell of winning, not with all the wonderful writers in my category, but it's still a little nail-bitey!!
           All of which is to say thanks for coming with me on my writing journey!


Dearest followers, I have two important announcements. 
          One: Harkworth Hall is LIVE on August 1. Pick it up for a mere 99 cents through August 7, or read it via Kindle Unlimited. 
          Two: Vacui Magia: Stories, my collection that includes "Little Men with Knives," is a finalist for the World Fantasy Award. I am stunned and overwhelmed and full of gratitude. Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting. 2016 was a long, dark year, and the feedback here on Wattpad helped carry me through that. It is deeply appreciated. 