
Can someone explain to me why JK Rowling had Albus Dumbledore be gay if she's anti-LGBTQ as so many people say she is? That makes no sense at all if I'm honest.


@lovingonkalel wait what? She had him gay but she is anti-  LGBTQ? The author is deluuu deluuu 


So do we know what Sika died of yet? I know some were saying back in the mid 2010's that he had brain cancer, but Y'all know some people like to say things just to stir the pot and get stuff started.


@lovingonkalel Joe hasn’t said anything about that, all we know is that they said he passed away peacefully. 


@lovingonkalel they just said he died peacefully 


Does anyone know if anyone has written any crossovers between Harry Potter and the Justice League? I read one where Harry was rescued from his abusive relatives by Tony Stark of The Avengers which I enjoyed immensely, so that got me wondering what might have gone down if Bruce Wayne or one of the other JL members had been the one to find Harry walking like he was half-dead wearing a long sleeved sweater during the summer like what happened in the fic I read.  I know enough about Bruce to know he would have been one pissed off Bat bc he has a soft spot for children, especially those who witnessed or were a victim of a violent crime. He does not play around when it comes to people who victimize kids, I can tell you that. And Kal, well, let's just say he would have been so pissed he'd have had to find a distant galaxy to go to until he calmed down. We all know how dangerous a pissed off Kryptonian with superpowers can be. Anywho, if anyone can help me out it would be very much appreciated.


What in Rao's name is this new "ad-after-every-stinking-chapter" nonsense Wattpad is doing?!?!?!?  All I want to do is dive into some good Severus Snape fan fics, and stupid Wattpad keeps snapping me back to reality with these blasted ads after every chapter!!!!!