
Hi everyone... You probably wonder what happened to The Story of Pinocchio and Pinocchio two. Well, I have to redo them... So think about it as a revision notice, so I took them both down because I need to revise them. Thank you to the author of Geppetto's pride: my dear friend, for all his support and love.  So, don't be alarmed. The Story of Pinocchio isn't fading; I have newer, fresher ideas about it... With a good surprise. 


Hi everyone... You probably wonder what happened to The Story of Pinocchio and Pinocchio two. Well, I have to redo them... So think about it as a revision notice, so I took them both down because I need to revise them. Thank you to the author of Geppetto's pride: my dear friend, for all his support and love.  So, don't be alarmed. The Story of Pinocchio isn't fading; I have newer, fresher ideas about it... With a good surprise. 


Hey guys! Just so you guys know, I will be redoing my Pinocchio story, so don't be alarmed if you see that it has disappeared from my page. Also, I have a new upcoming surprise project that'll be uploaded soon. Thanks to all of my followers who have supported my writing so far, I send nothing but love to ya'll.


@BlueRaccoon27 If it's okay with you, I'll keep my fan fiction.