
/ does anyone wanna do matching themes w kanao (me) ++ another character .. : eyes :


–  <3
          " kanao dear, could you pass me that scroll over there? "   she hummed, pointing swiftly over to a small pile of scrolls, all with different coloured ties,   " the one with the teal tie. "   shinobu clarified quickly, eyes not leaving the paper she had been writing on with her quill. upon finishing writing, she set the ink tipped feather down, she turned in her seat,   " now, what can i help you with? " she smiled, hands on her lap as she looked up at kanao from her spot on her seat.


@lovekillings –
            " i appreciate that, i really do. "   she looked over her shoulder to the lilac eyed girl and smiled. kanao was helpful, there was no doubt about that. a girl to be loved and cherished really.   " awkward? kanao, you're my dear sister, it would never be awkward. i'd like to think that our tsuguko to hashira bond is different from that of.. well, anyone elses. we're family, no? "


“if you want me to be, i can be. really, i’m fine with doing whatever you need, kocho.” kanao called shinobu by her last name as a sign of respect, but also due to the fact she had no idea if she was even allowed to refer to the hashira as her first name. despite having been adopted by her and kanae kocho, it felt foreign to refer to her as shinobu. “ah, alright. sorry about that anyways, it’s probably awkward for you..since i’m your adopted sister and tsugoku.” she chuckled quietly.
            / @poiscnedwingz-


@lovekillings –
            " thank you, kanao - but you know that you're not my servant, it'd be unfair of me to ask you to do every little thing i needed to do. besides, i wouldn't want to ruin your childhood by asking you to just run around after me. "  ruin it anymore than it was, really. the both of them knew that kanao had a particularly harsh childhood, and losing kanae, and to top it off, being a demon slayer in the first place was never guaranteeing a normal childhood.   " that is a fair point, i suppose. well, i don't mind if you choose to, but know that you don't /have/ to. "