
Hiiii my cute candies!!
          How's doing?? Well i was thinking of writing a wich contains both yizhan,  zhanyi like switch time to time , what you guys say ?
          I ask from my friend she like my idea , you also letting me know... 
          And i will not able to update "My Mission is you " for next two days .. so bear with me ... hehehehe.....
          See you soon my cute candies ~~


@Eerahhelai  sounds interesting... go for it dear ❤❤❤


Hloie !! Morning my cute candies ..
          How's doing all??
          M here showing up after a very long time .. don't know what to say just messed up with my own thoughts and leave that one...
          What's your days going on ?? 
          Today i fell so empty .. blank type even don't knows what to say or write ..
          Just wanna refresh my mood any idea how can i ??