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Stage 2 hypertension paired with heat intolerance and an anxiety disorder is a bitch, I fucking hate it, I just want to crawl up and die. And I don't have frequent fainting spells so it can't be POTS. My kidneys are tryna fucking kill me I swear to god, I literally already don't have enough energy to deal with this shit. God life is just kicking me in the damn ass. Ugh, I'm probably gonna go on meds or some shit but who fuckin knows if that's actually gonna help, like, most of the meds I take nowadays doesn't do shit. I literally can't go outside in the sun without having nausea and I've been having fucking anxiety attacks for the last 7 nights, when will my body ever let me have a break, honestly I just wanna be euthanized at this point.


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Stage 2 hypertension paired with heat intolerance and an anxiety disorder is a bitch, I fucking hate it, I just want to crawl up and die. And I don't have frequent fainting spells so it can't be POTS. My kidneys are tryna fucking kill me I swear to god, I literally already don't have enough energy to deal with this shit. God life is just kicking me in the damn ass. Ugh, I'm probably gonna go on meds or some shit but who fuckin knows if that's actually gonna help, like, most of the meds I take nowadays doesn't do shit. I literally can't go outside in the sun without having nausea and I've been having fucking anxiety attacks for the last 7 nights, when will my body ever let me have a break, honestly I just wanna be euthanized at this point.


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I apologize to all the people who are interested in my writing, I'm a fucking sloth rn istg I need to stop being such a lazy ass and get to writing


@lostonsharkisland  lmao no pressure take your time


Does Taylor Swift have a gyatt 


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Blacking out randomly sucks, especially since it's bc of my severe anxiety and not a heart condition which means I can't do shit about it. And it doesn't matter how much or how little sleep I get, I'm still fatigued. And meds aren't helping, so now I'm considering the possibility it's blood pressure related. I don't black out too frequently, it depends on the day, nobody knows about it except all of y'all now. I don't know what to do except vent.


@lostonsharkisland once at school i was going to the bathroom with my friend and i was holding my breath to get rid of the hiccups and i blacked out, fell straight on my ass in the hallway
            my teacher freaked out and i got to all of 3rd period bc the nurses needed to check if i was ok
            i was perfectly fine and i knew i was, i was being an idiot


What's y'all's favourite tayvis fic on here rn my fav is Summer School (by ultimate wattpad content edger shiningjustforyou13)


@lostonsharkisland I loved another highschool romance


@lostonsharkisland the ones by SwiftestDreams and alisversion before they got deleted ✊ but I understand the reasons why so


I thought edging was fun until Wattpad, now I have to wait days for delicious smutty content, IT'S NOT FUCKIN FAIR


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I made my bff laugh by looking up "is drake fucking children" instead of "is drake a p*do". So obvi it's easy to make her laugh.


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Sorry the search was "is drake actually fucking children"


Well I just pulled an @shiningjustforyou13 and started a whole new book. Uhhh yayy for me I guess *awkwardly laughs*


@lostonsharkisland on my main I have like 3 stories with only openings. Last updated 2 months ago


Well I don't do major cliffhangers on my chapters, I also don't stop a chapter mid smut scene but until the book is finished there will be very minor cliffhangers as it is a chapter not a one shot:)


@lostonsharkisland ur forgiven if ur not gonna edge me and leave me with trust issues.