
Hello everyone, so you might notice the kpop imagine the book is not on my account, and that's because I'm putting it under complete construction. I started to write the kpop images book when I was 15-16, and I'm turning 20 now. Yeah... a huge difference. So as of right now, it's going to be unavailable so I can re-write the images better because my writing was GARBAGE when I was 15 :) SO.... right now, I am writing a book to hold off for now. I'm sorry if yall love the images, well I... don't :) So I'm going to fix it and write the book simultaneously. Please be patient with me. I'm in COLLEGE NOW, insane. I started this in middle school... yeah insane so please wait for me. I'll do my best. Thank you so much for your love, support, and comments yall make. I read them all =. Yall funny as hell. I'll still take requests and everything, so look for my stuff to come out soon- much love, Mari


Hello everyone, so you might notice the kpop imagine the book is not on my account, and that's because I'm putting it under complete construction. I started to write the kpop images book when I was 15-16, and I'm turning 20 now. Yeah... a huge difference. So as of right now, it's going to be unavailable so I can re-write the images better because my writing was GARBAGE when I was 15 :) SO.... right now, I am writing a book to hold off for now. I'm sorry if yall love the images, well I... don't :) So I'm going to fix it and write the book simultaneously. Please be patient with me. I'm in COLLEGE NOW, insane. I started this in middle school... yeah insane so please wait for me. I'll do my best. Thank you so much for your love, support, and comments yall make. I read them all =. Yall funny as hell. I'll still take requests and everything, so look for my stuff to come out soon- much love, Mari


guys i promise i haven't forgot request or story's being published right school is kicking my ass but since my grades are good rn i hope i can write  more since there is a new grading period the omelas book will be coming out it will be a reader based decision so what ever you guys choose happens for the first couple of chapters there wont be any  decision making moments but there will be at the of the chapter you will see and i will try to update the imagines i have been really inspired lately so lets see what i write/ anyway sorry for not writing in months really im  upset at my self -_-