
Hello lovely people! Just wanted to check that everyone is doing ok during this weird time that the world is faced with! Thank you to everyone who is sharing stories, I know for me, that it’s making it just a little easier. I’m hoping to maybe write another story soon but any suggestions would be fab! I’ll try and write something a bit more cheerful - especially as my last story “If I die young” was such a flop lol! 
          	Anyway, stay safe, and stay in touch lovely people, my inbox is always open if ya wanna chat xx


Hello lovely people! Just wanted to check that everyone is doing ok during this weird time that the world is faced with! Thank you to everyone who is sharing stories, I know for me, that it’s making it just a little easier. I’m hoping to maybe write another story soon but any suggestions would be fab! I’ll try and write something a bit more cheerful - especially as my last story “If I die young” was such a flop lol! 
          Anyway, stay safe, and stay in touch lovely people, my inbox is always open if ya wanna chat xx


Hi guys! I know I’ve not been very active recently and I’m sorry. I’ve been really struggling with inspiration for the next part of Crashing Down and my personal life has been a bit of a rollercoaster, a lot has been changing and I’m trying to cope the best I can. 
          I do want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read any of my writing, but especially Crashing Down. 1k!!! I’m so shocked, I never thought I would get 10 reads so 1k is mind blowing! Thank you so much and I’m gonna try and finish this before the end of the year ❤️


I’m here if you want to talk, but just remember things will get better! Sending an emergency hug your way!


I’m so sorry that I haven’t updated ‘crashing down’ recently. I’ve been really busy with revision and exams and I know I said I would update it last weekend. I’m gonna do my best to get an update done soon. Sorry xxx


Oh, goodness, real life always comes first. Looking forward to seeing what you have for us when the time is right for you. 


No need to apologise! Those like me who are enjoying will be patient x 


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait for the next chapter, I’ve had a really busy week with my A-Levels as exams are in the next few weeks. I’m hoping to update over the weekend, but I really wanna make this a good part so it might not be till beginning of next week. Thank you for all your lovely comments on all my stories so far, it means a lot xx


          So I’ve really got the bug for writing but I’m sorta struggling to come up with any decent ideas lol. Anyone got any tips for generating ideas, or any story ideas? 
          Thanks guys xx


For me, I have no clue where the ideas come from. A title idea may come to mind and I build a story around it (Grasping At Straws) or an experience. I had an adult male friend who had the chicken pox in his early 30’s and I came up with That’s A Childhood Disease. I’m continually writing down notes, jotting down scenes. The ideas will come if you sit back and relax. 


@littlemissbookworm13 I'd love any hurt-comfort fic (usualy Dec hurt), like something happens at SNT or BGT or he just starts to fall sick. Love the stories you've been writing on them so far.