
Chapter 43 of Ataraxia is now live! (⁠ᗒ⩊ᗕ ྀི) I can't wait to hear your thoughts and comments—they always make my day. If you haven't caught up yet, be sure to check out Chapter 42 as well. Enjoy! x


I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible support and patience with Ataraxia. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me and truly keep me going. We've reached over 20k reads today, and I can't put into words how proud and thankful I am for each of you.
          I also owe you an apology for being so inactive lately. Life has been a whirlwind with exams and a bunch of other commitments, and I haven't been able to post as regularly as I'd like. I'm really sorry for the delay, and I appreciate your understanding more than you know.
          As soon as things start to settle down, I'll be back to writing consistently. I expect this to happen by the end of the month. Thank you for sticking with me through the ups and downs, and for the kindness you've always shown. Your support means everything to me, and I can't wait to dive back into the world we've created together.
          I love you guys. Take care and good luck to everyone dealing with exams right now—you got this! x


such a heartfelt message (u had a girl bawlin her eyes early in the mornin) 
            Your dedication to Ataraxia and your readers truly shines through. Reaching over 20k reads is an incredible milestone, and it’s a testament to your amazing storytelling skills<3
            Please don’t worry about the delays. We all have busy periods, especially with exams and other life commitments. Your life and school come first, and we completely understand. We’re just grateful for what you have done so far with Ataraxia. Always a pleasure to read(˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )
            Take all the time you need to get things sorted, and we’ll be here eagerly waiting for your return. Good luck with your upcoming exam and the rest I’ve already wished for the best for you on disc, you’ve got this´・ᴗ・`


Chapter 40 of Ataraxia is now published! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ I hope you will all enjoy it, and I can't wait to read your comments and feedback—as always, it means so much to me. c: 
          I also want to mention that updates might be a bit slower because university is taking up a lot of my time. To make up for it, I've made this chapter considerably longer. I originally planned to release it in two parts, but I felt it worked better as one. ;)
          I love you guys, take care x


@pepperpigger I'm sorry I'm taking so long to update :c Time's really not been on my side, and exams are quite overwhelming, but I'll try to sort it out. Thank you for your patience <3


I'm beyond thrilled to announce that Ataraxia has reached over 10k reads today! I want to thank everyone who has helped me reach this goal, since your support meant everything. <3 
          Also, Chapter 39 is out and available for reading now!! I'm hoping to release the next chapter ASAP with this occasion, though I don't want to make any empty promises. I've been really busy with university and projects lately since exam season is approaching, but rest assured, I will do my best to write as often as I can. ^-^
          Once again, I adore you guys, thank you for making this journey a thousand times more exciting!! <3 Take care cuties x


@levreles OMG THANK YOU SOOO MUCH MY LOVE <33 Tbh I was really shocked to see how far Ataraxia has come, but it really couldn't have happened without your support ;-; thank you for being there from the very start <3
            Aahh, I hope you'll enjoy it when you do have time to read <3 And yeah you're very right, but I still feel the pressure of keeping up with writing (not necessarily in a bad way c:) I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH xx


@KateCarter_ thank you so much babes <33 im so happy you think that, and i appreciate the support so muchh x


Congrats my bby<3  Ataraxia is one of the best Gojo fics I’ve ever read and ridiculously underrated. I hope it gets more recognition by time cuz it deserves more!!