
I can't believe school is in two days, the only thing I did the whole week was like ten math exercises -oop and don't even get me started on stretching for dance, let's pray for me the next week


I have a question to all the people from US:
          Do students actually get some funny senior quotes or just some boring regular ones?


everyone’s different, everyone in my school is basic so half of them are “don’t let your past define you” or sum


Some do it just depends on who u r lol


Hi everyone!
          This one is for all the readers of "Endless" I would like to announce that unfortunately there might be less updates in the next twi weeks which is until the Christmas break. I have a few poems written that I want to publish so these ones are going to appear due to my piblishing schedule, but nothing more then that. 
          I have a lot of tests and projects in the next two weeks and I can't allow myself for any distractions which is why I'm deleting Wattpad for this time. 
          But I will be back very soon with new poems and maybe some surprise for readers of "Coffee with Opium" .
          Have a nice day!