
I am currently editing my taekook book , I wrote it originally with my phone and realised afterwards many gamatical and typing errors there was . The over all story will not change but I hope any new readers will bear with me as this will be a timely process x 


I am currently editing my taekook book , I wrote it originally with my phone and realised afterwards many gamatical and typing errors there was . The over all story will not change but I hope any new readers will bear with me as this will be a timely process x 


Hello my lovlies , so yes I do believe I have just posted my last chapter,  I really hope you've all enjoyed it. Writing this has been an amazing experience and I've honestly loved every minute if it . Looking back I think my first couple of chapters may need some tweaking but over all this is a story I would enjoy reading .
          I am toying with the idea of a second book,  maybe concentrate on one of the other members and obviously we would still hear bits about Taekook. When I decide for sure,  I'll write an epilogue to this one with hopefully a little teaser into the next one , thank you all for you support and lovely words x