hi :)
my name is luz and ive been very happy in my life, i have a wonderful bunch of friends, an amazing support system, and loving people in my life. no one prolly cares, but i feel like ive hit a point where im confident in what i can do, nothing much, but it really is nice to have it. anywho, i know now what is good, bad, and everything inbetween for me, ive learned a whole bunch from a wonderful lad. hope yalls lives are going well, have a nice day <3 (dec.12,2016)

lmao, that all went to shit real quick, but whatever. that lad ended up ghosting me, which is a lovely feeling <3 im good tho, if anyone wants to talk, im here for ya. (sept.3,2018)
and i'll probably never be on here
but nonetheless,
things I like:
• doodles and art
• dan and phil (kind of? not that much anymore)
• my doggies
• game grumps
• watercolors
• cutesy things
• japan
• stuffed animals
• soft things
• reading
• the stars and moon
• happiness (boi, what naive little shit is this, LMAO)
♂ + ♂ = ♥ love is
♀ + ♀ = ♥ a
♀ + ♂ = ♥ human right
  • trying not to kms myself ;-)
  • JoinedOctober 5, 2014