
Hey, my lights. I know, I broke my promise and haven't uploaded a chapter yet. The thing is, i- it might feel like I am making an excuse but I do wanna continue my writing and not quit it. It's just, things have been happening irl, and many have told me that it is 'because you're always in your imaginary world' which I am not! And that just has lead me to not have a heart in writing. That's why, please bear with me and I am so sorry for the inconvenience I have given to you all. I am so sorry but don't worry, I will start writing again soon but I can't promise it anymore. Try to understand me, my lights. I really need support from all of you. I am so sorry and I love you all. 


@lightingscream dw, take your time and relax. Hope everything will turn out right. We support you and love you too. Take care ❤️ 


Hey, my lights. I know, I broke my promise and haven't uploaded a chapter yet. The thing is, i- it might feel like I am making an excuse but I do wanna continue my writing and not quit it. It's just, things have been happening irl, and many have told me that it is 'because you're always in your imaginary world' which I am not! And that just has lead me to not have a heart in writing. That's why, please bear with me and I am so sorry for the inconvenience I have given to you all. I am so sorry but don't worry, I will start writing again soon but I can't promise it anymore. Try to understand me, my lights. I really need support from all of you. I am so sorry and I love you all. 


@lightingscream dw, take your time and relax. Hope everything will turn out right. We support you and love you too. Take care ❤️ 


Hi my lights, so, I am officially back. 
          But, I wanna ask for you suggestions, about which book of mine should I finish first? 
          Please comment! I need your help! 


@lightingscream I really hope you can update the black moon. 


@ lightingscream  I personally love Cinderella Woogi 


Heya babe, I was just thinking about u, wondering how u we’re doing and thought I’d stop by. Hope ur doing ok ~~ 


That’s okay!! I hope ur doing well!! Ur in my thoughts xx


@cherry_eve oh hey, sorry for late reply, but thanks girl! I really appreciate your concern. Hope your as beautiful as always! 


Umm.... excuse me ...but can I like ask you something....if you are okay with it 


I now realised that it would be selfish from there everything needs it's own time to happen also I didn't think of it and I do get it from your pov so yeah I will wait for the story;)


Umm.. sorry for the late reply actually I didn't saw the notifi help...but yeah there's no rush take your time and also whatever you're experiencing rn  hope you will get over it soon...ik it might take some time and hell it does time to heal so don't rush yourself with anything then everything will get back to track... hope you are doing well now:))) and about the story it's up to you actually...


@debagati but I will say, to you and all my other lights who are interested in their stories that, place yourself in the characters place and whatever they will do, it will be according to their nature and all. So, don't hate them if anything happens against your wishes. Because, wishes don't come true in real life. And I have experienced that and still experiencing it. 