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OKAY SO im currently deleting my bcs + other ed related shit from my phone (tracking apps triggering pics etc) and GOD no wonder I was so miserable bruh 90% of my phone was infested 


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im not even gna bother putting it in the hidden album or whtv the fuck like I need to be so locked in this summer idc abt weight gain anymore I love my mommy more than I care abt being skinny


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OKAY SO im currently deleting my bcs + other ed related shit from my phone (tracking apps triggering pics etc) and GOD no wonder I was so miserable bruh 90% of my phone was infested 


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im not even gna bother putting it in the hidden album or whtv the fuck like I need to be so locked in this summer idc abt weight gain anymore I love my mommy more than I care abt being skinny


had a rage induced fight w mm last night got me genuinely considering applying to state unis cus eugghh I can't deal 


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isolation in the form of focusing on urself and school but you're barely passing and ur grades are shit and self care is two rounds of hating urself and ruining ur health


had 50 mental breakdowns today cus truly what does it mean to recover i feel like a fraud 


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And now I love???? Everything??? Literally begged my brother to go swimming w me and next week im finally able to play badminton w my friends after flaking on them sm times cus I was fucking miserable and tired 24/7


the discourse abt exercise in recovery is so 50/50 for me cus if exercise was a huge part of ur ed id encourage you to maybe take a break but personally my ed took away my enjoyment of exercise cause I had NO energy to do anything literally quit two of my fave clubs cus I couldn't be assed  


when I was deep in my ed I wasn't sick enough but now that im trying to move away from that all of a sudden everything I do isn't adhering to my recovery 


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recovering w/o any sort of support is harder than starving cus what the fuck


But! Im trying to build a healthier relationship w exercise cus I gen just wanna have a hobby outside of hating myself and obsessing over food


anytime I slightly increase my intake, I suddenly have a passion for running (yikes yikes.!)