
The common misconceptions of Minho's character in 'Touch of Fate' truly awaken concern within me. (⁠/⁠¯⁠◡⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠◡⁠)⁠/⁠¯⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


Happy one year to 'Touch of Fate' !! I honestly find it so hard to believe that this story originated a year ago. A year ago I was someone so different and so was the story. It took a massive turn but I'm glad with the way it turned out. I'd like to thank my readers for letting the story reach so far, an unexpected but pleasant surprise. It feels so unreal to say all of this, since I never expected some things to turn out the way they did, yet I'm kind of glad that they have. 
          Through writing I've met so many lovely people and found myself within the peace it brings to my heart. Words can't describe how I feel right now, so I'll cut it short. 'Touch of Fate' has turned one year old!! ^^


I've had a conversation with the people whom the characters in my book were inspired off of in these few days. To be honest, I'm very glad that they enjoy being a part of it. It means the world to me, to see the smiles on their faces when I show them my work. It makes me feel proud to be the one who made them smile in that way. 
          Most of the characters in my books are inspired by peoples' stories, though you guys will never know what their real names are, I'm hoping you'll be able to find yourself in some of them. 
          I'm gifting you this information as a thank you for helping 'Touch of Fate' reach almost 12k reads. You're wonderful <3


I don't see people praising you enough on here so I'll do it, author J ur work is absolutely breathtaking and so good. I can't imagine how hard u work to publish these for us. I love ur work and ur writing style really. Thank u for sharing these amazing stories with us 


@kozumewrld ♡♡ thank you truly 