
Hey y'all I'm bored, could you tell me some jokes I am going to put them in a joke book full credit given if you would like. I probably followed you cuz your funny comments on no capes so go nuts!


          	  Mad: Hon I make jokes all the time *flips hair and does a sassy pose*
          	  Muku: Since when are YOU sassy!?
          	  Mad: Since now Anger Issues Girl
          	  Muku: *her bangs cover her eyes and her head is twitching* YOU ARE SO DEAD! *throws a zillion knives at Mad*
          	  Mad: *dodges them, but in the process making funny poses* HELP! *dodges knife* ME!!! *dodges knife* DAMN HOW DO YOU THROW THEM THAT FAST!?!?!?


in a world of animals, there was a jenie, the jenie  called up a bear and duck the the bear;s first wish was all the bear's in the forest accept him to be girls, the duck's first wish was a bike helmet, the bear's second wish was all the bears in the world to be girls accept him,the duck's  second was a motorcycle, the bear's third was all the bears in the universe accept him to be girls, the duck said he was pretty happy so he said he wished the bear was gay so he couldn't have all the girls.