
I'M OFFICIALLY BACK! I've been back from London for about a month and a half now and it's been crazy at home! My time has been spent catching up on things at home and now most of those are finished, so I can focus on fanfictions again! I can't wait for you to see what I have planned, especially since my study abroad experience has given me lots of ideas, so stay tuned and I hope you're ready!


I'M OFFICIALLY BACK! I've been back from London for about a month and a half now and it's been crazy at home! My time has been spent catching up on things at home and now most of those are finished, so I can focus on fanfictions again! I can't wait for you to see what I have planned, especially since my study abroad experience has given me lots of ideas, so stay tuned and I hope you're ready!


For those of you who don't know, I'm currently studying abroad in London until April, but I'm still working on my next fanfic! It's taking me longer this time due to this year being my busiest year ever, but hopefully you're still here and ready to read what I have prepared for yoU!


Hey everyone, I'm back! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a nice break from school/work/whatever you needed a break from :) As for my fanfictions, I will be starting a brand new one very soon! Until I begin posting it, I will be tweeting some facts and hints about it on my Twitter, @RachelM_Wattpad, so go follow me and check that out!


"Starless Galaxy" is officially completed and it's a little emotional for me since I've been working with these characters for a year and a half, but I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has read "Starless Galaxy" as well as "Zap!" because these are the most fun books I've written so far! But now it's time to say goodbye to these characters because I will not be creating another story for the set. It's been fun imagining what wizards would be like and I'm super happy I had the chance to write these for you!


Alright, so school is starting soon and I'm not sure how much time I'll have to get on here. "Starless Galaxy," the story I'm currently working on, is almost finished so there shouldn't be any issue with that, but after that is done, I'm planning on prewriting my entire next fanfiction, which means I won't be posting it until it is done. And what that means is that there won't be something new from me for a little while (couple of months maybe). I've been constantly working on fanfictions for 4 years now and although I'll still be working on my next one, I need a small break to catch up on things and focus on school. But don't worry; I'll be back before you know it!


"Zap!" is not going to be entered into the Wattys. I had said a few months ago that I was going to add 3 bonus chapters to this fanfiction, and I am very sorry to those of you who were looking forward to them, but I have had absolutely no time to write them.
          I also want to point out that it just feels weird to me to add 3 more chapters because I feel like I ended it well and I don't think it needs more, especially when the bonus chapters would be to just make this story eligible for the Wattys. It defeats the purpose of the contest and of my story already, so I will not be adding more. I mean, if you like "Zap!", I'm pretty sure you'll like "Starless Galaxy" considering it is a sequel to this fanfiction, so go ahead and check that out! But "Zap!" is completely finished and will not be entered into the Wattys.
          Now that I know the rules of the Wattys, I am now prepared for the future, so I'm planning on entering my next fanfiction into it (which hasn't even been announced yet ;) ). If you'd like to keep up with me, please follow my Twitter, @RachelM_Wattpad, to get updates on my future fanfictions!


This week's chapter of "Starless Galaxy" will be delayed a few days. I have been so busy in this past week that I barely had any time to write, so hopefully I will be able to get that time back and catch up on everything! Sorry for the inconvenience! 


I'm excited to introduce my next project! I have decided to put together my most important tips and hints into a book for new fanfiction authors! The title is "So You Want To Write Fanfiction" and it will be available on here soon. I can't wait to help out some new writers and I hope you find it useful!