
The most recent ep of pllss for today is possibly my ABSOLUTE favorite so far throughout this season.
          	I mean y’all… my girl Noa has taken a few steps closer and the other girl’s reactions!!!!
          	And I have been saying it since the beginning of the first season about Faran and Greg. (I actually think they’d be cute tbh)
          	And how are we feeling about these newer characters so far? Are we liking this season? Who do you think bc then ending of the episode was freaking CRAZY!!
          	Do we have any predictions, or suspects at the top of the list as to what this whole thing means? Let me know what you think!
          	I know I say every episode that I can’t wait for the next, but this one really has me in a hold and every part of me wants more already.
          	HBO, y’all better give them another season. This cast deserves it. I need a third, forth season and so on honestly.
          	Ugh, give me the next episode NOW. I don’t really think I can wait for another whole week.


lowkey feel like it wasn’t imogen’s mom and it was like her meds making her act up, or it could be the latex masks just like in the original pll but whatever it is it’s stressing me out 


@leelovesglee that song was perfect and love when th girls went back to redemption house and wore those mask and scaring everyone out I love that  


@AceFamily2020 I LOVED this episode. By far it’s my fav also and as for BR… I have my suspicions for who…


The most recent ep of pllss for today is possibly my ABSOLUTE favorite so far throughout this season.
          I mean y’all… my girl Noa has taken a few steps closer and the other girl’s reactions!!!!
          And I have been saying it since the beginning of the first season about Faran and Greg. (I actually think they’d be cute tbh)
          And how are we feeling about these newer characters so far? Are we liking this season? Who do you think bc then ending of the episode was freaking CRAZY!!
          Do we have any predictions, or suspects at the top of the list as to what this whole thing means? Let me know what you think!
          I know I say every episode that I can’t wait for the next, but this one really has me in a hold and every part of me wants more already.
          HBO, y’all better give them another season. This cast deserves it. I need a third, forth season and so on honestly.
          Ugh, give me the next episode NOW. I don’t really think I can wait for another whole week.


lowkey feel like it wasn’t imogen’s mom and it was like her meds making her act up, or it could be the latex masks just like in the original pll but whatever it is it’s stressing me out 


@leelovesglee that song was perfect and love when th girls went back to redemption house and wore those mask and scaring everyone out I love that  


@AceFamily2020 I LOVED this episode. By far it’s my fav also and as for BR… I have my suspicions for who…


I am loving the whole Pretty little liars original sin/summer school bc it’s SO good.
          And this latest episode has me wanting more like right now.
          And I want to say that I am still mad about One of Us Is Lying. Especially how it ended on that cliffhanger. Can’t believe they cancelled it. :(


@leelovesglee then u have my full attention. yessssss


@thattallmf dude yessss!! Also what if I told you that I am currently making one…


@leelovesglee RIGHT!? I need some noa olivar ficssss bro


Sorry for not being active on here recently but I am on my other account trying to sort some things out. But once that is done I will begin updating once again!
          Also I didn’t get to post for the 15 year anniversary of glee but I am grateful for that show and everything it has brought to my life and it still has been my favorite show for years and I guarantee for years to come!
          Side note: did y’all see the new episode of PLL summer school? 


i would be on the floor without ten seconds i can’t even lie 


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@whordoverstreet that’s what I’m saying!! Like our girl held that shit up and still fought her off and got away??!! 


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this message may be offensive
Minor spoilers for the third episode of pll summer school (not really direct spoilers)
          Just watched it and y'all... why did they do that to my baby girl Mouse? And it was supposed to be for her birthday? She's not gonna wanna celebrate that shit anymore after that. That child is going to be traumatized even more to no end as the rest of the girls are. Rightfully so.
          I don’t want to wait another full week for the next one :(