
I know today is April Fools in the USA but you guys need to consider not everyone is from there, and jokes about death especially are quite distasteful. Stop saying your pet died and then hitting the tab button 30 times and saying Happy April Fools. It’s not funny.


Hey !!
          Does adulting feel like a challenging and terrifying moment? 
          Wanna read a book on teenage life and adjusting to adulting? 
          Check out my book " A Peek Into The Life Of A Brown Girl " and feel connected with relatable characters. 
          Do share this among your friends and leave us a review. We would love to know your thoughts. 
          Thank you!!


this message may be offensive
Bestie I desperately need your help!! I’m getting back into my author era but I’m scared because it’s hard for me to put my thoughts into words it’s like I can picture it perfectly in my head like a movie but going into detail about everything is extremely nerve wracking and I’m really fucking scared to write smut and it’s not like I’m trying to be Ana huang out here but still I’m freaking out!!! 


@kaykayluvv29 hey! If you want you can dm me on instagram:) we can get more into detail there❤️❤️I’m honored you want my help and I would love to give you as much advice as I possibly can! 


I know today is April Fools in the USA but you guys need to consider not everyone is from there, and jokes about death especially are quite distasteful. Stop saying your pet died and then hitting the tab button 30 times and saying Happy April Fools. It’s not funny.


Hey there!  I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself – I'm a newbie writer on Wattpad, and I just posted my first book! ✨ It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'd love it if you could check it out and be a part of my writing adventure. 
          Book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/353509283?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Mindful_Imaginist&wp_originator=oM6WWDTZq4fryJypDdNtWB94oUaerpdp%2BkfDtn5%2F%2F9nWYPcP%2F%2BJOvAR%2Ft0L7fJD%2BVdOcA%2FWlLPPccqYrRW6jXVdK8XUsZENdTWqSvi%2Fa7Nzw0yxPUhzzBE%2BfXh4CttXW


I feel so bad for how I’ve been on hiatus, which I did not plan, but my personal life had not been stable so I took a step back from writing. I’m really frustrated with myself for doing so because this is what feeds my soul and my heart and I’m so grateful for you guys. Recently I’ve been feeling better and getting the flashes of ideas I used to get before my spiral lmao so hopefully I’ll be updating soon and maybe publishing new stories! 
          Love you guys and I am so grateful and appreciative of every single one of you ❤️


@leblackbook welcome back, beautiful Maria ❤️
            Take your time and take good care of yourself 


@leblackbook  How are you doing?.
            This is MUNA .
            I messaged you on Instagram. Once you are free , please reply.
            Happy New Year.


I love your work so much, I don't know what you did to Mrs. Mafia and Code Name: Athena but I have reread it for like 5 times and now I'm rereading it again. Mrs. Mafia was one of the first stories I read here and I instantly fell in love with the book and characters. 
          I hope someday you release a physical book! Sending hugs, love u!! xx 


Awww baby!!!! This means so much to me :,) like literally you have my heart. Hopefully you’ll one day be able to get your hands on a physical copy! ❤️❤️❤️thank you for your support and love and time invested in my stories! 


Most men are so worthless, I do not recommend liking one 


@leblackbook I don't even put faith in them


@Iamawriterlol and it’s so exhausting to put every ounce of faith on them like ugh


@kaykayluvv29 like they’re so underwhelming at times 


Someone accusing me of copying a story based on a line that repeats in another story I didn’t even know exists. I’m just so gutted because I specifically never read anything here (but fanfic) so none of this happens. Also, it’s so insulting because it undermines my work and ethic. I’ve given all my stories everything in me; every ounce of energy, creativity and imagination to be put in such a humiliating and uncomfortable place. Like I wish I didn’t feel the necessity to defend myself, because I don’t want to appear defensive, but at the same time I’ll always stand up for myself.


@leblackbook I'm so sorry about that sweetie. I know you'd never copy anybody. They shouldn't go around saying things like that. You should defend yourself! Our books are our own children. Soul children
            No one has the right to badmouth it. I hope you feel better soon❤️