
Hey guys I'm starting out a new book and I would like to know how it is! Could you please read it? The parts i've done so far. It would mean a lot! Thxs :)


That dum a$$ comment was rude beyond anything if I sayed something out of line or offended you in any way I.am sorry but u and any one else on here or any were real can not call me that I don't care the reason or the person that is not okay with me excpesslie because u don.t really know me so u where way out of line to say something like that to me and I ,ve been pretty fricken nice to u so if u can,t return the favour shut up and don,t say anything at all cuz u don,t have the right to judge me or any one else besides I thought we were getting a long but whatever


or say in that matter? I was not able to message you back because my laptop was being dumb but please, what happened??


i am so confused what did i do????


Hey, I am relatively new to Wattpad, and have just posted my first story (a Matt Espinosa fanfic). I know it's a big ask, but it would be really helpful if you could read it (or even hopefully promote it). It would mean the world to me, and i'd be happy to read your works, and follow you - You seem really fun ahahah :D
          Here's the link if your interested:


Hey girl of course! Let me start reading :) I'll follow you back kay? ;)