
Sugar Lust, published on Amazon as Flirt is up for a reader's choice award!! 
          	To bring this award home, I need your votes. The link is below and it only takes a minute. 
          	Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! 
          	***Readers Choice Awards are decided on by votes. Category is young adult. Voting closes July 31st.***


Sugar Lust, published on Amazon as Flirt is up for a reader's choice award!! 
          To bring this award home, I need your votes. The link is below and it only takes a minute. 

          Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! 
          ***Readers Choice Awards are decided on by votes. Category is young adult. Voting closes July 31st.***


Blessed day. How can i avail or read your story Sugar Lust?  Dont have amazon. Im eager to read that one story of yours... 


@tUtU_bEe You can read Cupid's Crappy Love Story here on Wattpad, but the rest are only available on Amazon  


Yes! That was me who just published a chapter for Cupid's Crappy Love Story! I know it's been ages, but I've been working hard on my new day job - working with a story app. You just never know where your journey with Wattpad will lead you, and I am so gratful. My plan is to release a few chapters this week.


Hey! Anyone out there on Tumblr? If you are leave me your links, I'd love to check out your blogs ❤❤ 


@lavinialeigh you know I have a tumblr and I have yet to figure out how to really use it. I don't think I updated it in like a year but there were a few people on there whose tumblr game was more on point. LIke Maggie Stiefvater has a good tumblr game.