
hello babies,
          	i know some of you are waiting for my update for a long time ago but im sorry cause i couldnt fulfill your wish for now. anyways im busy with my hectic week and final exam and im writing this message to let yall know that i will stop writing and updating until march. i really hope that you guys will understand and give me some space for my study first. i never forget about kashmyra and even tasneem and i will update them slowly after i finish my final. thank you for still waiting and i hope this message board will clear every speculation in your mind.
          	taking a break,
          	mymy x


@lavhmymy good luck author-nim, amd take your time ❤️


Haii korang yang mana tak dapat pergi PBAKL24 tapi perlukan perkhidmatan PERSONAL SHOPPER , boleh DM kita tau
          Jangan risau PS service charge kita mur mur je :
          RM4 - per book (yang mana nak special request cth-"sis saya nak sign hidup author", harga SC TETAP SAMA yaaa)
          RM3 - per book (6 buku dan ke atas)
          ***Notes, untuk yang:
          → TAK NAK sign author, korang tetap akan dapat sticker sign author tau (NOVEL LIMITED SAHAJA)
          → NAK sign author, bergantung availability saya nak beratur yaaa.