
Doesn't get good results..... doesn't get medical College. I applied for zoology major along with creative writing, English, botany and culture and ethics. Doesn't score so good for medical. It's okay your author wasn't going to give up not at all. 
          	So much to do in doesn't end just because of marks. Wish ,e luck for my first year of University. 


@kyeomslove n jo it's the least I can do ♡♡♡


@xyzbith oh sweetheart....bud . Lots of love to you for supporting me all the time and waiting on me. Thank you so much.


Doesn't get good results..... doesn't get medical College. I applied for zoology major along with creative writing, English, botany and culture and ethics. Doesn't score so good for medical. It's okay your author wasn't going to give up not at all. 
          So much to do in doesn't end just because of marks. Wish ,e luck for my first year of University. 


@kyeomslove n jo it's the least I can do ♡♡♡


@xyzbith oh sweetheart....bud . Lots of love to you for supporting me all the time and waiting on me. Thank you so much.


It's my result day let's see what happens 


@kyeomslove  Don't worry it's going to be well 


@kyeomslove it's going to be alright.  I am rooting for u.
            Fighting !!


I am back for now. Gotta post "MINE DOCTOR" ," IF I COULD TELL YOU" and " ONE GOOD ALPHA" SEUNGCHEOL AND JIHOON. stay tuned. Sorry for all disappear and all . Now I am fine and good. So gotta spoil you all.


@kyeomslove I felt so to see you again author 


@kyeomslove Woohoo  finally our author come back 


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
I know I know I am trauma dumping on you guys and you yourself have lots of problems maybe more than myself but please listen to me because I get no one other than you guys...... listen to me if you want to I will be thankful. 
          I have my entrance exam in twelve days and I hadn't studied it anything I am going crazy....I feel like I should die all of my siblings are so good they had achieved so much I feel like failure shit....I don't know what should I do in my life I am feeling so anxious. You guys know what I started to write because I was on worse time of my life but I don't know that was bad or if I didn't get passed entrance exam will be worse because the hopeful eyes of my parents bother me.
           I don't know if they will take all my tabs or I shouldn't able to write again or I wanted to tell you guys in before hand that after first week of may I might come back after lots of time maybe months or year.....will you guys wait for me? Can I count on you guys? I know I can because guys love ,e and I love you. I promise you everyone I will come back even if after years and if I published  my book I will write this down. I surely will find you guys again. Just don't forget I exist. 
          I don't know what future befolds for me but I know one thing for sure that I love you all you all are my love and huns. Honey bunnies!!!!
          If I disappear just wait don't ever think I died because your author have seen some shits have been from some shits and still is alive. Just wait for me . 
          As much as I love writing i love my huns,
          As much as I love medical I love my honey bunnies. 
          It might take time but I will drop happy bombs, study hard. Keep going and always do what you like .....if that makes you happy then it makes me happy too. 
          I will miss you guys even though person with ADHD don't have feelings of missing,my heart will bond with you guys.
          I love you my huns:)


@kyeomslove ASDFGHJKLN!! If you can get a japanese man laid, I'm totally up for it!! My otaku ass would love to have a japanese brother-in-law!!


@KyeomShu_17 uh-huh.....want Japanese brother -in-law?(I am talking about myself) 


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
When I first started to write their is only one reader and that is my friend,she will motivate me to write and tell I write so beautifully even though I write bullshit and cringe but she will encourage me to write BECAUSE I LOVE TO WRITE. It's always me who loves to write she has better options to read from but she still say "post soon girl ! I am waiting." Like desperate person even though she doesn't know shit about seventeen.
          Now ,4k people read my story with 200 hundred engaged reader .
          And that book is " accidental love" 
          I will never edit and forget my that book which I completed. I am emotionally attached to it. 
          Even if I ended up being something else I will tell my husband/ wife that I have written this book when I was seventeen. I will smile to the memory I felt while I was writing. I am overdramatic ever to exist on Wattpad  fr.
          Anyways thanks to you all for love and support.


@Faajin1 no , it mostly your motivation that keeps me going.


@kyeomslove  ohh authornim you are not cringe . Don't say stuff like write so well ! I enjoy reading what you write.keep sharing your thoughts through words ,you're really good at it!


Please don't ever stop making seoksoo stories, it's really difficult to find a story where seokmin is bottom...
                       You are my only hope ... Please make a lot seoksoo stories 


@SantRampalJiMaharaj I will make lots of story and some other ships too. Don't ever worry when I am here.