
Guys maaf ya Secret You nggak akan update malam ini. Aku ada acara seharian, baru balik, dan belum sempet lanjut nulis. I'll try my best to double update tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Happy weekend^^


Hii kak its me again (now i changed my usn +pp hehe) btw coming here to say thankyou krna aku bisa langsung marathon JTF dalam semalam hoho, remembering i found ur story via X seneng bgt krna lgsg cocok dgn ur writing style, congrats and good job sudah menyelesaikan JTF, its a really good story, with good plot and characters. Im really enjoyed every chapter (terbukti aku nabung chapter), thankyou for being konsisten update sampai complete kak and thankyou for spending ur time writing and thinking about the story +idea, see you on your next stories kak ☁️


Hi! Aku ga tau harus bales apa selain MAKASIH. I'm speechless! makasih ya udah suka sama JTF. Didn't expect to get this sweet beautiful message again and again pokonya I can only say thank you sooo muccchh. Semoga ceritaku bisa menghibur ya. Sending you a big fluffy hugs! *sayang message board ga bisa munculin emoji hihi


Hi! JUMP THEN FALL FINAL SCENE IS HERE! Ayo dibaca dan diramein!
          Buat yang nunggu Treasure You, aku update weekend ini ya. Maaf minggu lalu nggak update, aku fokus beresin dulu JTF biar nanti bisa konsen lanjutin Treasure You.
          Thank you


@AinunJariah596 maybe in the future ya hihi mau beresin dulu seriesnya sampe jisoo. Stay tune aja


@ kwitiawpedasmanis  bikin cerita jenkai lagi dong kak 


Kok final scene sih? Final chapter ih typo lol terlalu bersemangat