
ce message peut être offensant
Um, holy shit it's been YEARS. I'm still writing, though under a new username and mostly on ao3 (I'm also kruspp on there if anybody's interested). Thank you to everyone who ever gave my work on here the light of day, especially now as I read it over (slightly cringeworthy, but aren't all 13 year olds like that?). 
          	I'm in college now, and I have even less time to write than I did at the beginning of high school, now with the added stress of a global pandemic! I can give no promises on whether I'll publish new stuff here or that I'll update anything on here. Effectively, all of my works are now on semi-permanent hiatus. 
          	Thank you all, you fellow weirdos. 
          	"Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin."
          	- C. Joybell C.


ce message peut être offensant
Um, holy shit it's been YEARS. I'm still writing, though under a new username and mostly on ao3 (I'm also kruspp on there if anybody's interested). Thank you to everyone who ever gave my work on here the light of day, especially now as I read it over (slightly cringeworthy, but aren't all 13 year olds like that?). 
          I'm in college now, and I have even less time to write than I did at the beginning of high school, now with the added stress of a global pandemic! I can give no promises on whether I'll publish new stuff here or that I'll update anything on here. Effectively, all of my works are now on semi-permanent hiatus. 
          Thank you all, you fellow weirdos. 
          "Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin."
          - C. Joybell C.


          PS sooo sorry for the vote spam !


You don't need to be sorry! I felt so amazed that somebody liked my art!!! And thank you for your compliment and comments! 


Hi! Thank you for reading my story and for all those votes!! I totally appreciate them. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. :)


Are you kidding? I love your story! While I do like Solangelo, I've just always shipped Reynico, and I can never find any good Reynico stories! But yours is very good! Thanks for writing it!