
Just finished watching the first three eps of the ATLA live action and I kinda like it so far! 
          	Though putting the episodes omashu x northern air temple x the secret tunnel x jet in one episode was a bit too much but uh well 
          	What do you guys think? 


@koulakoukoula Yeah same. The rest is really spot on to the show from what ive seen


@softchxton Sameeee that's all that bothers me so far 


I honestly really like it. Im on episode 5 rn and Ive been enjoying it so far. I was a bit
          	  thrown off too by the mix of episodes too shsj


Hey @koulakoukoula how are you I was just wondering if you happened to still be writing your mako book. As it’s been awhile since the last update and I would love to read more 


@koukakoukoula okay thanks for letting me know. A little sad you can’t finish as what I had read so far was really good 


@canderloro tysm for reading!!! I DO have the plot of that fic almost complete in my head but I don't think I'll ever finish it sadly, life's been busy. If you've read my when hatred turned to love zuko x oc series, the oc there is actually Karel's mother (I think) so there's lots of content on that if you wanna read. I really wish I had the time to finish "the game" but it needs loootsss of editing as it is one of the very first fics I've posted here. Tysm for reading!


Hello there now FF7 Rebirth is here, do you also write about it ? Btw Vincent in FF7 Rebirth is amazing. And also can I ask a request for making another Vincent Valentine story and the OC is Vincent's childhood friend, and she have a disability to talk ( mute) and her personality is brave, loving, friendly, innocence and kind.
          Also her powers is unique and more stronger then omega and chaos. And also she is a second mother to Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith. And close friend to Lucrecia. 
          I think that was my imagination if there is another OC for Vincent Valentine. If you are interesting of my imagination I just tell you and you want to create it that would be an honor. But it be the best starting it from FF7 Rebirth. 
          That's all from me and Thank you and have a nice day 


@uniquesk sorry for the delayed response, but that's actually a really great idea! Mute!OC (who I suspect the disability manifests from her power) and the childhood friends trope with Vincent would work really well, and I also the mother hen of the group trope. I would certainly write that if I had the time and I can't really promise I'll finish it if I start it, but tysm for sharing it with me! You should try writing it yourself, especially now that FFVIIRebirth is out and the fandom is more alive than ever! 


Hello there i Just wanna say that I love your story " Blood and Sympathy" so much and also I love Jocasta's personality and the ending is so beautiful and started crying when I'm reading it. Btw if u do not mind can I ask a request of the side story of Vincent and Jocasta's daughter Laelyn ? Because I always think of them as a parents how they raise their daughter. That's all I can say and FF7 Rebirth is so epic and Vincent in there was so handsome and cool ... Thank you


@uniquesk OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! OF COURSE you can ask whatever little scenario you want with those two and I'll write it! TYSM FOR READING this huge fic AHAHAHA I have started a sequel but it's only available on ao3 it's called "Three Years of Silence" it's basically Jocasta and Vincent being all uwu with Laelyn and dealing with a bit of PTSD, but I'm providing lots of flashbacks from the time that Jocasta was raising little sephiroth and protecting him all she could in the shinra tower. I haven't updated it in a while but since ffviir rebirth came out I'm kinda in an ffvii mood so I probably will start working on it again! I do have a plot about it in my head. Hojo somehow comes back (because Hester has preserved his conscience in a computer but she's keeping him under control... for now) and he reveals a huuuuge plot twist about Jocasta, I could spoil it to you if you want ahahah but I haven't that written that far yet. Still TYSM FOR READING!!! And YES our goth vampire man was HOT AF in the new game oh ma gawwwdddd


Just finished watching the first three eps of the ATLA live action and I kinda like it so far! 
          Though putting the episodes omashu x northern air temple x the secret tunnel x jet in one episode was a bit too much but uh well 
          What do you guys think? 


@koulakoukoula Yeah same. The rest is really spot on to the show from what ive seen


@softchxton Sameeee that's all that bothers me so far 


I honestly really like it. Im on episode 5 rn and Ive been enjoying it so far. I was a bit
            thrown off too by the mix of episodes too shsj


Hello! I was wondering if you have posted the full rewritten version of “ When hatred turned to love” on ao3 yet?


Take your time writing it, I don’t want you to feel rushed. I will definitely stayed tuned for it, and I really hope Netflix doesn’t screw up as well. I’m so sorry to hear that life’s been rough lately! I hope 2024 is better for you, happy new year! 


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@charmedlover520 I'm so sorry, no I haven't, I have only written the first six chapters? The rest of it is complete in my head. Sadly, life's been terrible since August, and I barely had the time to write anything. But, considering the ATLA fandom will experience a revival once the netflix adaptation comes out (and God I hope they don't fuck this up) I should probably start posting what I've written so far and try to rewrite the rest. This fic is my baby, I will sure as hell rewrite it IF life allows me to breathe pls. I will post an announcement with the link when I will, so stay tuned! Tysm and happy new year!


To my favorite author, can you please, for the love of God, make an ErenxOC ff with a happy ending??? I've just watched the last episode and I was crying the whole time. Ive been trying to find Eren ffs where he or the oc wont die but ive never found one. I know youre the only one who could do it and make it a masterpiece just like Levi's and Erwin's ffs. T_T <3


@RunningDonutBear AHAHA OMG HELLO HOW ARE YOU ofc I haven't watched the final ep but I know how it all ends I'm just in DENIAL cuz it sucks big time I feel you. But there are many eren hoes out there, are you sure not even one of them has written a fix it fix???? Did you check ao3??? I'd love to write an eren X oc or eremika but I CANT, EREN IS MY SON ok, I've adopted him, just like nat (yes I'm nat, she's totes self-insert) and like I haven't even finished the Erwinat fic yet like before I start any other fic I NEED to finish BBSF it's been two years oh ma gawd I can't start another fic *starts another fic* AHAHAH but hey, BHSL ends with eren and mikasa living their happily ever after (even tho they're not the main focus) but I know you just want that comfort, I get it. I think I could write a smaaaallll spin-off to BHSL with just post-war fluff an goofiness with eren and mikasa and the 104th with their gfs/bfs (aka Armin/Annie, Jean/Pieck, Connie/Anya, Reiner/Historia/Porco, Hange/Moblit) yes everybody is alive in that fic, like it's my ultimate fix-it fic for aot, it's how I would fix the mess yams made ahahah hang in there we're all suffering ❤️


Heyyy....i hope you are doing good.....i was just wondering if "broken bodies" is still get updated?


@TheUndercoverNerd_ ooooo please don't leave it, it's really really nice...i have cried so much, i can not tell you....i love this story...and yea I will go read it on ao3 rn...thank you


@TheUndercoverNerd_ omg I'm so sorry, I've forgotten to post the next chapters GO AND CHECK IT OUT ON AO3 I've posted a total of 114 chapters over there, and my busy ass has forgotten to update the one on wattpad TYSM for reading this fic! It's really one of my less read fics and I was kinda discouraged about finishing it and that's why even on ao3 it's still incomplete. I do have the plot complete in my head, the issue is writing it TYSMMM


Hey @koulakoukoula how are you I love your stories especially your Levi Ackerman one. I was also wondering if you happen to still be writing your book The game. as it’s been awhile and I would love to read more 


@canderloro awwww tysm :) the game could've been a wonderful sequel series to the whttl series cuz spoiler alert, Karel is the daughter of sokka and Iris (that's why she can read minds, she's the next defender) and it's actually called "the game" cuz she's literally 'playing' in Amon's game (maybe a bit of romance between them too but only until she beats him in 'his own game' azula style). I would've really loved to write this (she will end up with mako in the end and I'd probably have a type of storyline where they think she's dead but she shows up in the final minute and everybody's happy) but the problem is I don't really know what kind of 'game' she's playing, idk what her plan is and how she wants to fool amon and bring him down lmaooooo it's really one of the first fanfiction I've ever attempted to write and it already needs a rewrite and editing. I wish I had the time and inspiration to work on that but I don't think I will anytime soon that's why I'm spoiling you the plot :( tysm for reading my fics btw ❤️


Don't you ever just kill a character and cry whilst doing so 


@koulakoukoula I kill a character to create drama and trauma✌