
Hello! How are you? I hope you've been getting enough sleep and water :) 
          Remember you matter and you're an amazing human being, i hope you're okay and you're having a great day/night!


@kokichithehopebagel I'M SO SO SORRY I JUST SAW THIS-
            I'm glad you're okay <33 
            If you're okay with telling me/if you want to talk about it why were you in the hospital? (I'm just concerned lol not trying to be creepy)


Aw my heart 
            I’ve been in and out of hospital the past few days and this message literally made me so happy awww :,,,) 
            I’m doing ok thanks so much for checking in 
            Btw my discord is Natsukashi#2244 if you wanna add me I had some trouble adding you the other day 