
; cb and specify 


  /     ME,         curious pls !


Shadowheart grunted as the mysterious artifact rushed back to her hands. "I wouldn't try that again, doesn't seem to want to leave me."


"Your guess is as good as mine, it's attached to me. I couldn't get rid of it even if I wanted to." Shadowheart explained in rather vague terms.


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @stolenfaith- 
            " wha- not fair! ash found the shiny and claimed it, yes. how can thing fly? how does it know to go back to pointy ears? " a child-like curiosity was seen in the creature. darling to come ever closer to the stranger ust to look at the artefact as if to study it. 


"You! Come back here!" Darielle called out to the small creature that had stolen her ocarina.


"I wasn't aware that was possible..." Darielle had an interest in other creatures, despite her annoyance at being robbed. "Mind telling me a bit more?"


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @elvensongbird 
            " thing that makes noise? no use to ash then, no. " the creature huffed, placing it back in her hand with some disappointment in the find. side glancing up at the elf with the big green eye on the right then the left. " no use for dragon, no. ash isn't coward like rest of tribe, no. Will become own dragon some day! yes! " 


"Try /asking/ next time!" The Elf took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "It's an ocarina, think of it like a flute. Now, would you like to tell me what a kobold is doing so far away from a dragon?"


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ (...)       i could,   eat you.


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @ofhorns 
            the creature knew when not to to harm someone. it has lived this long without his tribe for a reason. but he was a akilled rogue. a silent killer many didn't expect from such a ailly looking face. these creatures were intelligent in their own way. true blood from dragons. " laugh all you like, yes. ash will be the last to laugh one day. ash will remeber smooth face. " 


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ (   and he laughs,   retracting his hand before bringing it right back,   no sense for danger.   whatever happens,   he’s sure he’ll be fine.   )       oh,   the pain,   i am melting.       (   the words were snarled out,   repressing laughter.   )       you,   are funny.


            instinctively, the creature snapped at the didgit prodding him. giving soft shattered in rebellion to the stranger. it may be small, but it had the confidence and pride of something far bigger. " ash spits it. can burn stranger up while they struggle getting through ash's scales, yes. " it didn't take lightly to threats either. as civil as he was keeping for the time being. 


// Am sorry for taking so long ~_~
          "Oi, Ash! Get down from there before someone sees!" The dragon born called with a half-whispered, half-scolding tone. He cuped his muzzle with a hand in an attempt not to Project his voice to anyone passing by. 


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @Acidic-Faith 
            " shh! smooth skins won't know unless brother yells, yes. " the small thing caught a glimps of something. enough to scale the side of a tower with complete disregard to the hight or how it would look if they got caught. managing to crawl into one of the small windows where he would dissappear inside. completely silent. not a single sound before the front door slowly creeked open. " worthless books and paper. ash hates wizards, yes. pointless garbage. " 


with a turn, his eyes widened, hands patting himself down seemingly searching for something. rummaging through every pocket, even the one he hadn't had time to fix. when he couldn't find it, he sighed and returned what he'd been meaning to purchase with a small, apologetic smile. at least he'd had the thought to enchant his belongings, so that he could find them in this sort of situation.


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @consumingmagic 
            he gave a soft huff, glancing up at the man. they weren't like other humans. not at all. so making an enemy might be a bad idea. " ash can trade, yes. only took pretty rock, yes. " he would give a soft grumble, carefully placing the precious stone down before digging in his bag. pulling out a collection of rings. big rings. not for humans, that's for sure. maybe even for trolls. copper and bronze ones. he was only giving them since he couldn't get them to shine no matter how much he would polish or buff them. some even had real silver coiled in. probably far more valuable in total compared to the stone but he felt it was still an unfair trade. to him the shine of the stone was far greater, therefore for more valuable. 


his brow raised, watching the other hastily gathering everything they'd strewn about. “so you stole from me because of i wore colorful clothes and far too interested with books...” enough of an excuse as any. many have told him purple was far too flamboyant a color to wear. to rich for what he actually was. now being distracted by books was true. that was just something he couldn't help about himself. “i do /not/ smell of cat.” he huffed, eyes following the bag being pushed towards his feet. bending, he scooped it up, opening it to make sure everything was... was the weight a smidge lighter than before? his eyes scanned through the bag again, noting food, scrolls, and coins, yet the wizard felt as though something was missing. “are you /sure/ this is everything?”


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @consumingmagic 
            naturally, it was surprised. he didn't forget a face he took something from so easily. instinctively, it would gather all the goods in a haste, only stopping when he noted to only way out was blocked now. " clothing too colourful, yes. and clearly very distracted with stupid paper stacks, yes. " books, he meant the books he had been looking at as well as the purple colour. it never saw such a colour made into cloths before. but it knew well enough when it was cornered, messily putting everything back into the bag while pocketing the jewel it nipped on earlier. " smell of cat too. soft hearted round ears, yes. " it honestly didn't think it would even be tracked down so well. maybe having misjudged the man. but not enough to give every single thing back as it would carefully push the bag to his feet. 
            (*round ears = human) 


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ trivia below:


; he is very much considered an outcast. his kind has a strong sense of duty to their tribe and very intelligent creatures with a knack for inventions and mechanical things. things ash severely lacks. plus, he is considered rather big for a kobold. the largest being 2'6", where he is proudly standing at 3 feet. 
            ; like elves, kobolds have dark vision. being able to see very well in the dark even with complete absence of light. so those big eyes are not just for show. dark scales aiding in making him a very stealthy and officiant their of the night.
            ; kobolds rely on big protectors for their tribe, that instinct has not left the little one. finding himself drawn to bigger and stronger creatures, regardless of whether they are of draconic blood. so the little creature rarely travels alone. finding a willing companion until he managed to find something better. none have come close to his dragonborn friend. 
            ; he hates other small creatures. treating them as stupid pests. this also reinforces his bad temper when someone would treat him as a pet. rather insulted by the gestures, despite the initial pride and joy he would feel from a pat on the head. he responds far better to kind words like 'good job' or 'well done'. earning happy hops and nods, like his ego needed inflating. 


; black kobolds are the same as their dragon kin in the sense that they also produce a very strong acid. adding more damage to their bite, giving a lethal spit or for their food consumption. it is mainly used for eating. able to desolve the bone and add an unmatched flavour by either fermenting or cooking the flesh as it is being eaten. some even develop the skill to become drunk on certain fruits by the rapid fermenting. (ash does not have that skill, hating any fruit and vegetable. his favourite food would be fresh water fish) 
            ; like other black scaled draconic crratures, ash comes from the swamps. adapting to have more dexterity and stealth due to the unruly lands he survived in. having come from a sizable clan who would hunt the fish and steal from those unfortunate to get lost in the seamps. but he was far braver than the rest of his kind. travelling far away from his home in search of treasures. an aspect very few kobold possessed.
            ; kobolds are more closely related to dragins than dragonborn are. being directly born from a dragon's clutch of eggs at times. this leads to their egotistical nature. unable to distinguish gods and dragons as if they were the same. making them demi-gods in return. threatening most to 'go big dragon' on them. a term that may be more than a bluff as some kobolds would eventually turn into dragon wormlings able to grow into a true dragon. it was a very rare event. one in every few hundred years would make it to that stage. so rare it was considered a myth by most. 
            ; they can live up to 120 years, though they rarely make it that far. their pride and the belief they were far bigger than they actually were led to very early deaths. their intelligence also seemed to play a factor. ash doesn't know his age, he doesn't even know how to count. but being studied close, he could be placed between 40 and 50 years. a stark number to his otherwise energetic and childish behaviour.


; kobolds can change their gender, needing to adapt in cases of disaster. ash has always been male. never adapting for his people. being an adventurer at heart and refusing to stay and blend with his tribe. fancying himself as a free spirit.
            ; on his travels, he has met a black dragonborn with green eyes like his own. with similar-ish scale markings. ash is fully convinced that this is his twin brother despite the vast differences between the big dragonborn and the little kobold. displaying more loyalty than any kobold has before to someone else. 
            ; he is a kleptomaniac, this doesn't apply to just valuable things. he has a hard time telling apart what is actually worth something and what is just a shiny rock. this often causes problems in his group. he isn't allowed to have a bag of holding due to how much useless junk he puts inside. he even has thrown away important items to make room for treasures he found along the way. needless to say, he isn't allowed to carry or hold anything that is important to the quest. limited to only what he can carry. it does help that he has an enchanted bag that doesn't encumber him. holding no weight but limited space. this bag is almost as tall as he is and definitely wider, so he looks like the group's packmule.
            ; he can't look forward normally due to just how freakishly far apart his eyes are. like a gecko or baby alligator. giving him a strange tick of tilting his head or side eyeing to give a direct glance. it doesn't help that he can move his eyes individually. a that that shows when he is not listening or distracted by something - when one eye seems to just drift further away to something off to the side. 


The Dragonborn muddled curses under his breath, something along the lines of 'take my eyes off him for...', as he aimlessly wondered the path. He called out to the surrounding forest. "Ash! Where'd you go?!" 


@Acidic-Faith 〕
            " smartests, yes. have to be for both of us, yes. " his little ego didnt suit his small stature. most likely seeing himself as some sort of great dragon already despite how quickly he would hide or call for cover when he'd get into trouble. it brough never ending amusement when he'd threaten thugs to call his brother and their reactions to a dragonborn was far better than stealing their trinkets. " my shinies now. they can't have it back, no. not unless a better shiny is offered, yes. " the geco like gremlin would make his way down the road. always scanning the area around. for the water and for treasures. the amount of times he ended up lost. ending up in some traveller's carrage because something caught his eye. yet somehow he would always find the dragonborn. like a hungry cat he'd be lost for days and just magically pop up again when he felt it convenient. 


The dragonborn chuckled. "The berries are not meant for you. I just like something sweet after dinner." He listened to the smaller one's idea and gave an affirming nod. "You keep surprising me with your suggestions lately. Maybe that mind of yours is growing sharper." He looked out to the open road, sure was a good idea to follow the path until they meet the sound and scent of rushing water. Judging by the light piercing through the leaves, they still had a few hours to make some distance. "Very well, let us get a move on then. Before your 'shinies' are missed." He made sure his belongings were secure to his person before beginning to follow the path forward, hoping the other would follow by his side.


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @Acidic-Faith 
            " not berries, no. bad taste, don't like them. " fruits and vegetables were his least favourite. treating them like poison even if they weren't. " but fish, yes. ash likes fish. anything we can catch! the bigger the better, yes. " it would happily rub its claws together, making a clacking sound as a result of them clinging together. it saw a river, but there was no use in trying to remember where. the memory was unreliable. it could very well be a river it saw months ago at this point. but keen smell definitely would help once they got close enough. " maybe follow road to town, yes. town needs water. it is how ask would sneek in usually, yes. river drains always big enough to get through. " a little rogue. truly a deadly combination of dark natrual camouflage and a small yet agile body to get in just about anywhere. 