
    nice  room  harrington  ,  mommy  and  daddy  really  bought  you  all  of  this  ?  *  nearly  stumbling  as  he  entered  from  outside  steve's  window  ,  billy  looked  about  steve's  room  ,  chuckling  to  himself  as  he  brushed  himself  off  *  


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                what  can  i  say  sherlock  ?  you've  done  it  again  .  always  need  the  last  laugh  don't  you  ,  '  king  steve  '  *  impliying  the  quotations  with  his  right  hand  ,  billy  glared  as  he  watched  steve  close  '  tacky  '  curtains  ,  *  you  asked  /me  /  --  whatever  though  ,  i  don't  care  .  i  knew   you  must've  been  hammered  .  either  that  or  you  have  selective  memory  --  sounded  like  you  got  your  shit  rocked  anyways  .  *  making  eye  contact  briefly  ,  he  looked  away  ,  aggrivated  before  taking  a  breath  and  stepping  back  .  *  maybe  watch  where  you're  fucking  going  while  you're  at  it  .  


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( @mulletthead  ) 
            well no fucking shit you snuck in , what does this look like the front door ? * steve shot the blonde a quick and hateful look before closing his curtains , turning around and stumbling a bit realizing how close him and billy were made his head spin just a bit  *  weren't you the one outside MY window , what do you mean what do i want ? 


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                 the  only  reason  you  aren't  getting  grounded  is  because  i  snuck  in  .  you're  lucky  i  didn't  trip  on  your  flimsy  -  fucking  windowsil  ,  shit's  as  weak  as  you  are  .  *  his  eyes  too  --  rolled  ,  raising  a  hand  to  ruffle  his  blonde  hair  *  why  did  you  drag  me  here  in  the  first  place  ,  what  do  you  want  .   