
I really want to read more fanfics again and write my silly little reviews but damn my uni be kicking my butt. I have a week off tho so maybe I'll finally read something off my wattpad library. Or I'll be asleep for 7 days straight. Anyway, you can recommend me any fanfics you'd like me to read and maybe this week will be the week i finally get back on the fanfic reading. 


I really want to read more fanfics again and write my silly little reviews but damn my uni be kicking my butt. I have a week off tho so maybe I'll finally read something off my wattpad library. Or I'll be asleep for 7 days straight. Anyway, you can recommend me any fanfics you'd like me to read and maybe this week will be the week i finally get back on the fanfic reading. 


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how tf have i been reading fan fics for so long? Damn... I remember the first fanfic i ever read was when i was 13(bad idea to have wattpad at that age) ans it was a y/n X Harry styles story(and I've never even been a harry styles or 1D fan so idk how i ended up there). It was quite cringe but at the time i thought it was masterpiece and now more than 6 years later I'm still here, on a different account, and still reading smut and shit. I really don't have a life lmao


I changed the cover for my review book and now it's caotic and relevant to the content. I love it. 


@HYPNOTICCHAINS i have no idea lmao i randomly found it one day and have it downloaded on my phone ever since. It's a rare gem


@kindahellish i just saw it WHERE IS IT FROM JESUS CHRIST 


I'm so tempted to take the Brokeback Mountain short story and just change the names from Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar to Gerard Way and Frank Iero and call it a frerard fanfic for no reason at all. At this point I'm obsessed with this movie/story. If i could get the whole thing tattooed on me, i probably would ngl.


I am seriously considering printing out the unholyverse series into a physical book. I love the series with everything i have and i just know I'd love to stare at it if i had it on my shelve. 


@Official-Sam I'll definitely update! I'm not sure when I'll do it, but hopefully soon


Oh wow! That’s really cool! I didn’t know it could be done like this :D if you do, please update. I am very curious 


Not me suggesting frerard fanfictions to random strangers on tiktok comment sections who probably don't even know who my chemical romance is


@kindahellish okay, thank you! yes I will! 


@Official-Sam ohhh definitely read them then! They're all some of my favorites! 


@kindahellish ikr. They were not playing in that check out line LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I deadass had never read a emo/band fic before that point 
            Man those sound like some good suggestions. I haven’t even read those ones myself. I will also take them then :) everything I’ve been reading lately feels like a fanfic lol 