


Guys, this has to stop.
          So NCT dream had a comeback a few days ago, and it was absolutely amazing. I loved it, and so did most NCTzens. And ever since the comeback, NCT dream has been the number one listened on apple music, along with NCT 127 in second, and BTS in third. 
          ARMYS took it way to seriously. They streamed ''On'' and ''Black Swan'' continuesly, until BTS reached to the top. 
          And even worse, they started attacking Jisung on twitter. Now keep in mind Jisung is 18 years old, so if he read this and translated it, he would be deeply affected.
          ''You have no confidence, you are worthless.''-Twitter ARMY
          ''Talentless and ugly'' -Twitter ARMY
          ''You will never be like BTS''- Twitter ARMY
          Guys, please help NCT and NCtzens by defending Jisung against the ARMYS. He could be affected by this as we speak. So please. I dont have twitter, so i cant really do anything to help, but please Defend Jisung against those people.
          *DISCLAIMER: no hate to BTS, ARMYS, or any of the groups' fandoms that i have mentioned


@kimtaehyunggucciboi That's messed up some ARMYS have that stupid complex about not stanning any other artists but BTS, but honestly that's some twisted logic. I mean BTS is all for loving yourself so hating on others makes it harder for them to love themselves. If they thought about what they were doing for even a second they would realize just how stupid what they're doing is. I am a proud multi I stan too many groups to count and I have never ever hated on another person for a reason like that and I never will. You ^^^ r an intelligent human *applause*


Hey guys! i won't be updating in acouple days beause i am going on a trip. but my school has recently shut down do to the coronavirus, so after my trip, i will be uptading alot more frequently!