
Its like a drama and honestly we all like a bit of drama here and there, matter of fact im drinking apple juice in a wine glass rn. :) The girl protagonist is so cute and innocent. Shes my innocent side fr. :3


Dear Followers, Its been awhile... Im sorry i have been going threw stupidity for awhile. I decided i'm going to finish yuki now. I currently have 9 drafts of different stories i want to share. But, i want to make sure i finish yuki. Hana, and Yuki both are very special to me. So please if you haven't read them go read them now <3 
              I know, i have been gone and just slightly here to change my photos and reading other books. So if you have questions please write them in the comment bar below. I will answer right away. Also if there's anything you think i should add then im willing to listen to your ideas <3 Also, do you think i should start youtube ??? If so what type of channel? 
            So if your reading this, please respond <3  I need your guys help to make this user great again. Its time for finishing the things i buried and beginning the things i holded back. Thank you for your support :) Look out for updates


Dear followers and random people i am writing a new story and it will be published when i dye my hair pink xD Yes this is happening lol. So just telling you. I wrighting down ideas for the first time in my life so i might not be for awhile like in august or something :) august.... i love that word its smexy ;P




I need ideas for Yuki please anyone help xD HEWP HEWP (Izumi >0< ) lol


@SunFlower008 *cries while playing the Fairy Tail background music* Cuz we are family, lol


@SunFlower008 Don't worry twin, I'll will be home soon


If you guys did not know YUKI is the second part to HANA. Im sorry for killing your favorite charater xD lol But go read im sure you will be happy with the story plot its almost done too. Yuki will be the end of the series itself Im starting a new story called This is Us go check it out please and thanks for the support


I think you should continue HANA it's so good I want a second


@kitsune_chann For updates on my stuff go to Random Things :D