
oh what i changed my user 


          Sorry to bother ya, but I really really really love your Obey Me! book, sooo I was wondering if I could translate some of the One-Shot's and publish them in my account? (giving you the credits, of course)
          Have a good day... Ma'am? Sir?


Hello i wanted to ask you if you could make a new story of the [IT 2] of Bill x reader its fine if you don't want to


@CelesteShelina omg I'm so sorry my response has taken so long, I literally just got the notification for this  please keep in mind while you read these that I wrote this fic as a very immature 13/14 year old that had no writing experience what so ever. But to answer your questions:
            • in the two different universes, there is the reader that goes with Peter and the reader's other self that stays with tom. When she decided to stay with Peter, the universe set the story out straight so that there would still be a y/n in the universe with tom. The y/n in the uni. with tom has all of the same memories except for the part where she decided to go back to tom. 
            • in my dumb 13 year old brain, I wrote that and thought "lmao I'll just make him forget" and now I totally see how that makes like no sense at all... i think that the best way to think ab it is that thor was so emotional and in the moment that he completely forgot about what he told her, but i definitely see where you're coming from.
            • I definitely had quite a few plans on where I wanted to take that storyline if it had been chosen. If anyone is interested, I could make a story with that alternate ending (it would definitely have much better writing ) I'm currently trying to rewrite and get rid of as many plot holes as possible. 
            I'm so sorry for all of the confusion. I still cringe thinking about what I wrote back then... Thank you for reading though! It means so much! 
            Love, Author