
I updated Falling Walls!


Hi! Good morning (morning from where i am currently residing). I just wanna say THANK YOU  for the great stories you’ve shared. All 5 of them were amazing! God Bless You always!


@ummhannah Thank you!! It's messages like this that make me want to continue writing! I'm glad you enjoyed them! ❤️


Hello! I have half a chapter written for Falling Walls that I hope to have done in a few days! I've been getting back into a routine with work so I've been a bit more tired lately but hopefully I'll have the update out by this weekend! 


It’s been a brilliant 5 years on Wattpad. I’ve written some books, Met my best friend here @stylesplus and read some amazing books from some amazing authors. It’s time for me to move onto other things. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting on my books! It meant a lot to me that you enjoyed what I wrote and kept me excited to write. Maybe one day I’ll come back. Again thank you again. It’s meant a lot to me.
          (My account will stay up with my books so don’t worry! They won’t be deleted!)


@UglyyGurl thank you so much! :’)


@keysha_1995 i was your 1.2k follower :')


@stylesplus I know right!! Feels like yesterday we started talking!! That honestly means so much to me! Thank you!! Xxx


Hey you!! Thought it was my turn to drop by and say how wonderful you are!! Just wanted everyone that comes by here to know that you are the most incredible person and bestfriend!! You are always here to help no matter the situation or whether you care about the topic or not and I appreciate it so much more than I'll ever be able to explain! I'm looking forward to seeing you expand your writing and I hope you have fun doing so! xxx


Your welcome beautiful!!! Xxx


@stylesplus I’ll always be here no matter what!! Thank you! I’m excited too!! xxx