
The Melodies of a Misfit is now being published on Kindle Vella! You can check it out here:
          	I’ve decided I’ll leave Storm available to read here on my page until either I complete the book, or TMOAM is fully published on Kindle Vella. Until then, binge it while you can! XD
          	Hope you’re all having a great day <3 Bless~


The Melodies of a Misfit is now being published on Kindle Vella! You can check it out here:
          I’ve decided I’ll leave Storm available to read here on my page until either I complete the book, or TMOAM is fully published on Kindle Vella. Until then, binge it while you can! XD
          Hope you’re all having a great day <3 Bless~


Hello loves!
          A quick announcement to all you beauties out there to let you know in advance, I will be taking down all chapters of The Melodies of a Misfit as well as Storm, all except for the first few chapters.
          These stories will be made available to read on Kindle Vella! I am also working on putting these in book form so they can be put in your hands and shelves :)
          Since Storm is a light novel, I’m considering leaving that one up for another couple days since I know a good handful of you really enjoy that story, and obviously publishing the book, it would go without the pictures it currently has. I guess we’ll see!
          Much love c:


Important Update:
          Posts will be irregular for the time being, as I’m in an emergency situation. I need to focus on being able to make rent just to get by thus month, frankly, so I can’t say when I’ll be able to write as I really gotta grind.
          While this isn’t a call to fundraising, as like I said, I’m breaking to *work*— should you want to support a small soul, you can find my ko-fi & patreon in my bio.
          I’m really sorry, especially to those who look forward to the updates. I’m doing what I can. TnT
          I ask for your understanding, and I love you all.
          Let’s stay strong  <3



And yes, it’s a shorter chapter, so don’t worry, I’ll be posting a second time this week. <3 I take care of you lol