
kik was so fun to write, i wanna do another one but don’t know who to do it about, any suggestions?


Got 700+ followers but still no one talks to me


@jmoss- you barely reply atm Bcos you have uni work to attempt ahahah 


@keeeywee wow I fuckin talk to you but clearly I'm not good enough  good fuckin yard 


I was wondering if you had any time you could read my Bangtan fanfic? It's called Soulmates For/n/ever and it's a love triangle between the reader, Yoongi and Jimin. However it is an unique love triangle as Yoongi thinks he loves someone else. If you don't that's okay but if you do I'll appreciate it. If you need a favor after reading, like a vote on your book or something like that, just say. ^^
          Remember, you are a flower. If you wilt, you can regrow, if you fall, someone will pick you up. You are beautiful and you are treasured. 