
Hello hello! I'm back again with an announcement... 
          	I will be trying to be more active on my winter break, because it's the only time I could rest because we didnt have an autumn break but now the winter break is coming near and it will be longer so, extra time. 
          	Of course it's gonna be up on my tumblr too


Hello hello! I'm back again with an announcement... 
          I will be trying to be more active on my winter break, because it's the only time I could rest because we didnt have an autumn break but now the winter break is coming near and it will be longer so, extra time. 
          Of course it's gonna be up on my tumblr too


Heyya! Hru! 


And he is the only one because the OC I forget I delete and I have many other OCs to different fandoms


@Tourmalin_Lion1234 I have this thing like I can't make an OC if it's not based off of a disney villain and this OC startex out as a Self insert but turned out as based off of Mor'du from "brave" and the OC has dyed hair


@Tourmalin_Lion1234 that's cool! How many do you have? I got several lol


Segítséget szeretnék kérni az Eldaryásoktól! 
          Az van hogy ott tartom hogy Mery (a kisgyerek) nek meg kell találni a familiárisát és megvan a síkság is de akárhányszor kattintgatok akár hova sehol se jön elő 


Ha jól tudom a te familiáriáodat kell utána küldeni nem neked