
guys im alive


i miss being able to feel full happiness


i feel the same. I’m no good at encouraging others but know that I’m here. although i don’t know what you are going through, depression is a bitch to me too


I feel you at times, but like clouds emotions come and go, and you’ll be able to feel full happiness again, just hang in there. Sometimes I feel like I’m deluding myself by saying that, “it’ll get better”, however, it does get better. You’ll have good days, and bad days- days where you feel full of energy, and days when you don’t want to get out of bed. But remember, it does get better


aquest missatge pot ser ofensiu
hey guys today i came to the realisation that i might be the toxic friend, im the one making the self-destructive choices which is the reason im losing my friends. ive lost two of my best friends for fucking with one of their ex's best friend. i lost one of my friendgroups because i called someone manipulative. the other friendgroup isnt really active since i broke up with my now ex. i dont know what to do anymore or how to fix it.


@Shyman1529 thank you for the offer, kind stranger, but i'll be getting therapy soon and i hope that will help me


cant even be alone with my bitch on valentine's day -_-
          im going to his house to see if he even pays me any attention :D <3


update: he did, and now he's officially my bf. too bad its a man tho ✋


Me: single, never had a relationship, limited amount of close friends, 